Date night

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~Female reader x Aziwa~

️Lemon warning!!!⚠️

You and Aziwa had been dating for a while ,and when I say a while I mean a few weeks. You met him in a hospital ,you had broken your arm and drove yourself there ,once the doctors patched you up and sent you on your way. You bumped in a scruffy silky black haired man. He had a scar under his eye and he looked tired as if he hadn't slept in days. His hands where stuffed in the pockets of some baggy black Jean's he wore ,his hair was down and over his shoulders. "Sorry I bumped into you." He apologized while looking away and scratching the back of neck. And that's how you to met.

But today you and Aziwa was going to go out on your second date together, he didn't really like going out much he was a bit anti-social. You where ok with that but you hated that you to beg him to go on a date with you ,any how he finally agreed. When the both of you got to the movie theatre there wasn't many people ,it was a late afternoon and the sun set reflected off of the buildings of Japan's city. Today Aziwa wore his hair back in a messy man bon ,he had on dark brown sun shades with a black shirt and baggy pants as he always wore. He had to disguise himself a bit because he was still a teacher at UA and him being out would cause a bit of commotion.

Finally after waiting patiently in line you and Aziwa got your tickets and your seats. You picked a nice horror movie since Halloween was right around the corner ,but after a while of watching the movie it was actually starting to scare you. Gripping onto Aziwa's arm unconsciously, he glared at you as you suddenly grew flustered and quickly let go of his arm. He then grabbed your hand and continued his gaze on the huge screen in front of the both of you. His hand was big and soft as you intertwined your fingers with his ,your nervousness made your palm sweaty.

Hoping that Aziwa wouldn't notice he didn't seem to be bothered by it. After the movie you walked out with everyone else ,your blood had run cold the movie had actually scared you. "D-Did you have fun?" You asked Aziwa in a shaky voice while throwing away the empty popcorn box in you hands. "Well you where clinging onto me so tightly, how could I not have fun." He teased as you gave him a light playful shove ,he just loved watching you suffer. He let out a light chuckle of laughter as you rolled your eyes.

When the two of you got home he bought you your favorite food so that you wouldn't be mad at him anymore. But as stubborn as you acted you wouldn't let go of the grudge. You laid on your couch in a lazy position as you waited for your stomach to stop growling for the food that Aziwa got you ,because of your stubbornness you would starve for that night. You sighed in irritation as you lost another mobile game on your phone before ,hearing Aziwa walk in. His hair was still up in messy bun but he now wore sweat pants and a t-shirt. His head was down while his eyes where stuck on his phone ,quickly looking away before he could catch you staring he walked towards you.

"Y/N you haven't eaten your food yet ,it's probably cold by now." You bit your lip now staring at your phone intensely and acting as if you hadn't heard him. He stared for a while then sat down next to you ,putting his phone down you try to keep all your attention on your phone. "Come on Y/N are you still mad at me because of the movie?" He grabbed your foot and massaged it slowly his big husky hands feeling nice caressing your foot. "Y/N you can't ignore me forever......." he mumbled in a deep voice while getting up on the couch and crawling on top of you. Lifting your shirt Aziwa planted light kisses up your stomach, letting out a light whimper you quickly covered your mouth. Before covering you face with your arms in a stubborn embarrassment ,your face growing hot while feeling him unclip your bra. "Come on baby ,I know you want to."

His gaze came back up at you ,but you shook your head still not wanting to be coorapative. Sliding your bra out of the way Aziwa suddenly began to play with your nipples, you flinched a bit as your body seemed to move on it own. Your legs tensed together as you feel your self get wet ,breathing as lightly as possible. He suddenly began to suck on them ,gasping in pleasure he had caught you off guard. He glanced up at you once again his eyes daring and lustful as you blushed he leaned in close and gently pressed his lips against yours ,sliding his tongue in with a inpatient deep grunt. Breaking the kiss you panted lightly noticing that you had been wanting to do that for a while now. He sat up and grabbed the bottom corners of his shirt ,before lifting to reveal his pale abs and pecs. You had forgotten that he was pretty muscular ,his bun had suddenly came undone as he slid the rest of his shirt over his head. Aziwa's messy black hair fell over his shoulders before he sat down on the couch ,sliding off your shirt immediately after you found yourself dumbfounded by his looks. "Come here." Aziwa ordered while gesturing you towards him. You quickly got up and sat on his lap but your back was towards him ,this was new he never had done a position like this during sex. Making you take off your pants and panties, you where now completely naked as you blushed in embarrassment.

He grabbed your knees and made you spread your legs ,self-consciousness ate you alive as you flustered even harder then before ,knowing damn well your face was probably as red as an tomato by now. "Good, just a little wider." He mumbled in your ear his deep voice making you quiver ,he now gripped one of your thighs and gripped your knee with his other hand ,trying to keep your legs like he wanted. "Now I would like an apology for ignoring me ,or this will be the position I fuck you in for the rest of the night." Now having a bit of aggression in his voice you shivered while he nibbled on your ear. For some odd reason you loved when was pissed ,and you didn't plan on apologizing for anything anytime soon. So you stayed stubbornly quite for a moment. "Open your mouth." He suddenly growled and doing as he said he shoved two fingers into your mouth and almost down your throat. Coughing a bit from his sudden gesture ,you watched as he slowly slid his hand down your chest and stomach in almost an teasing manner. Then sliding his finger's down your slit before feeling him bend his fingers causing them to enter you. "Hmmph A-Aziwa......." You moaned your voice shaky as you feel your body getting weak and shaking with anticipation.

He shoved his fingers slowly into you going in deep ,as you let out light whimpers while cocking your head back on his shoulder. "Now ,where's my apology?........"

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