A New Beginning

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You and Kageyama have been friends since childhood, and since your parents were great friends you would always go to each others houses and play with each other. Over the years you guys have become best friends, always messing around with each other, name calling, almost like siblings even. Soon enough it went from graduating elementary to middle school and now you guys were entering high school. A high school name Kurasuno, you and Kageyama heard they had a great volleyball team which is why you both chose to go there. Tomorrow is your first day at Kurasuno and although Kageyama couldn't care less, you wanna make a good first impression.

Y/N's pov:

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* your alarm goes off and its around 7:15 meaning its time to get ready for school already. "Ughhh it's time to get ready, lets see..hmm...today I'll wear something nice" as you're getting ready you realize that you can't find the new top you bought for today, as you're looking for it, you're still in you're pj's and its already 7:30..and school starts at 8:00!! Suddenly Kageyama taps on you window and says "Hey hurry up loser we're gonna be late on the first day of school, didn't you say you wanted to make a good impression? Now get ready in 5 minutes or else I'm leaving without you" he says, you glare at him as you say "I can't find the top I just bought you idiot, I bought it specifically for today!! You know what Just go without me I'll catch up with you later" you say, "Ok then I'll see you at school, if you're late you owe me milk" he said as he now smirks. After that you both close your windows, as he leaves you to get ready, you finally found your top which is a cute striped shirt and some jeans with white shoes.

You've finally finished getting and ready and check the clock. As you look at the clock you scream and say "AHHH OMG OMG OMG ITS ALREADY 7:50 I CAN'T BE LATE ON MY FIRST DAY!!" as you rush down the stairs to run to school your mom stops you and says "Honey why don't you at least take a piece of toast with you or you'll be hungry, you know how much you eat and I don't want you to starve". As you finish putting on your shoes you say "It's fine Mom I'll get something from the convenience store on my way to school!!" on your way out your Mom yells "Ok honey love youuuu" as you left running you yelled back "LOVE YOU TOO MOMM!". 5 minutes later you're at convenience store buying meat buns and a milk carton that you know you're going to owe Kageyama because its already 7:58. As soon as you're done paying you run as fast as you can to you're school which is 5 minutes away! As you're rushing to your school you're yelling "I CAN MAKE IT, I CAN MAKE IT" you enter the school gate as you keep yelling and finally you yelled "I WILL MAKE I-" suddenly you bump into a small orange haired boy, before you could say sorry he jumps up and says "I'm so sorry miss but i have to go" as the bell rings.

You check you're phone and see its 8:02, you ran as fast as you could as you run to your classroom, the teacher isnt there yet, so you quickly find your seat and look for Kageyama, as you scan the room looking for Kageyama you see the little orange haired boy enter the classroom you and him make eye contact but he quickly sits down. You hear a "BOO!!" and you jump scared. "HAHAHA YOU SHOULD'VE SHOULD'VE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!!" says Kageyama, you snarl and glare at him as you punched him in the arm and said "YOU DUMMY THAT ACTUALLY SCARED ME I WAS LOOKIN FOR YOU, YOU IDIOT!!" as he still laughs you realize he sits behind you..you're relieved he's close to you. You and Kageyama have only and ever had each other, you guys find it hard to link with other people, but anyways, you notice a superrr tall blonde guy sitting next to you staring at you, as you guys lock eyes your teacher finally arrives...

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