Bad day huh..

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Kageyama's POV:

I wonder how Y/N's tryouts are going...what..? Wet..? Water.? Is it..? ughhh!! it's raining!! I'm not too far from home, I can make it without getting wet!! Boy was I wrong...*you finally make it home drenched in water* ugh I'm all wet..I should go change. As he undresses himself the water dripping from his dark black glowing hair drips onto his chiseled abs as it drips all the way down to his V line and so forth..."I wonder when Y/N we'll finally get home its already 4:47 and school ended at 2:45 its almost been 2 hours my tryouts only took 1 hour.." *I SEE HER SHE-* wait but why is the rain..she probably didn't make the team oh well. Looks like someone owes me ramennnn!!


Y/N's POV:

Ahh here I am here I come volleyball!! As soon as you enter the other gymnasium you realize- *a small gasp escapes your mouth* all the other girls are together ina group whispering to each other..its the same girls..from the halls. A girl comes up to you and says "Hey my name is Ichika nice to meet you and don't listen to those other girls they're just jealous of you" you think for a second...jealous..? Then you respond with "Oh..haha that's weird, anyway my name is Y/N, I love your name, its really pretty!!"

The capitan of the volleyball team finished changing and yells "Alright ladies go change in the locker moms and whoever doesn't come out in 8 minutes is already eliminated from tryouts!!" She then dumps a pile of clothes on to the floor, you find your size clothing and go to the locker seem a little suspicious of Ichika because she was nice off the bat and told me the other girls were jealous so straightforward in front of see them interacting and laughing right now.. anyway you go to the locker room and there is a line of upset looking girls in front of you so you turn around but now there's and upset row of girls in back of you too. Suddenly it becomes a circle of upset lookin girls glaring at you "How do you know all of those guys...especially Kageyama, Kageyama is very cute" says Ichika "None of your business you says coldly. "Kageyama will and is mine, I called dibs, meaning only I could date him, we'd be perfect anyway, he doesn't need a rude, ugly, and you're probably fat too so he wouldn't need someone like you, you're a nobody" she says "Yeaa, you hoe" says another girl angrily "how do you not feel shameful around 4 different guys huh...? Oh not speaking anymore huh bitch.." says Ichika. "He's my best friend he would never date anyone like you, you nasty b*tch" you yell!! *You then get slapped in the face by Ichika twice as the other girls hold you down so you can't escape* "next time watch you you're talking to you whore" Ichika says, as the all the other girls changed and got ready as fast as you could...but when you came out it was too late... but when you tried explaining what happened to the just turned out..she was in on it too...

You leave the gym..feeling beat...hopeless..there was nothing you could couldn't fight back..."it was HORRIBLE!!" You yelled, all the birds have flown away as you walk quietly and sadly in the rain..and after walking 17 minutes in the rain you're go into your room as you unlock your window to throw something in the trash can right below your window on the side of your house just close your window *beep beep* *New Message, Bakayama: Well well looks like someone owes me ramennn!!* *Reply to Bakayama: Oh yea, I'll get you next time!!* *New Message, Bakayama: Hey I'm coming through your window so be careful when I come* *Reply to Bakayama: Oh I'm studying right now, come tomorrow or later* *New Message, Bakayama: what are you hiding?! You never study you liar!! Now I'm definitely coming over!!*

You have your headphones in listening to music while just sitting at your desk, crying because of what had happen at tryouts *3 minutes ago, Bakayama: what are you hiding?! You never study you liar!! Now I'm definitely coming over!!* suddenly you hear a *THUMP* and there Kageyama is...he sees you crying and just blankly stares at you. You try to clean up your tears and wipe your nose, then say "I'm sorry haha, anyway what's up?!" You say that..trying to sound happy but your voice breaks as you say that.

Kageyama stops staring at you and hugs you. He tightly wrapped his arms around you, as you guys sat on your bed..*you start sobbing, pouring your eyes out* "Shhh its ok..its ok im here now..." he says in a calm voice as he caresses you..and it's not awkward and both like it...*you stop crying* your eyes are locked..Kageyama leans forward and kisses retreat but then go back for more and kiss him guys both pull away and lean in for just one more and he says "Y/N you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this" he says while respond with "Me too...thank you Tobio" *you kiss him goodnight and he goes back on his terrace* "thank you for helping me today..tobio-kim"
He responds with "Bad day huh...we've all had one of those..I'll see you tomorrow..Miss.Piggy" "I'll see you tomorrow dummy.."

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