Boys volleyball team

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Today's part might be really short or really long , and either way I apologize if it's either of those but I wanted to the boy's and girl's volleyball team separately :)

Kageyama's POV:

*RINGGGG RINGGGG RINGGG* *stops the alarm* ok, todays the day!! I WILL get on the volleyball team and get treated to ramen!! You and Y/N both get ready and meet outside. "All ready?" She says as she smirks "Yup" you respond, "Do you have your forms?" She asks. You respond with a "Of course I do, I don't have a small brain like you" you stick out your tongue "Shut up you dummy" she says. "No you piggy" you say, she glares at you while you're on your way to school.

Y/N's POV:

Aishh this idiot!! Well at least he'll be sorry when he's treating me to ramen that idiot!! As you see the gates to school, Hinata's already there waiting for you as soon as he spots you he runs up to you. You look at Kageyama to see if he's ok...*he looks...calm..I guess he's fine*. "HIII Y/N" *he hugs you* "oh uh hi..haha.." *while hugging him back you look at Kageyama to see if he's make eye contact with him and he goes "HMMPH" and turns away.

Ugh what a child..."Y/N can I have your number now?!" Says Hinata excitingly "Oh yea, of course!! Its ###-###-####" you say "Awesome, thanks Y/N, it means a lot to me, I don't have many friends yet" says Hinata a little sadly but you respond with "Then I guess I'm your first friend this year! What an honor!!" You say with a cheerful voice "T-thanks Y/N" Hinata says teary eyed "Hey hey don't cry, haha" you say "Yea you look a baby" says Kageyama as he glares at Hinata. "Y/N I'm scared" Hinata says as he hides behind me you just laugh. The school bell rings and you guys enter class.

The blonde haired kid next to you stared at you once looked back at him and asked "Can I help you..?" He responds coldly "No" hmm that's odd..."Hey if you don't mind me asking what's your nam-" he cuts you off before you could finish "I do mind, now please stop talking to me. Its quite annoying." You glared ay him then looked away. Then the green haired kid in front of you in a nervous voice says "Hey, my names Yamaguchi, his name is Tsukishima but you can just call him Tsuki for short, he seems really cold be he gets better when you get to know him" "Ugh you're so lame Yamaguchi" says Tsuki, Yamaguchi's eyes start to water "HEY YOU IDIOT WHY WOULD YOU-" he cuts you off again. "Shut up the teacher will be here soo-" he gets cut off this time as the teach enters the classroom.

As time goes by it's time for lunch, so you, Kageyama, Hinata, Yamaguchi, and even Tsuki eat lunch and talk together but as you all walk to the vending machine together you hear whispers *Do you see her...look, shes with so many boys...what a hoe* *look at her walking around like that thinking she's all that* *snicker snicker* *shes not even pretty* *omg look at her body..I bet under all that she's fat and ugly-* "hellooo, helloooo Y/N?!" says Hinata "Oh sorry what was that...? I was spacing out" you say innocently..trying not to tear up "We asked if you wanted anything" says Tsuki "Oh no thanks" you say politely...

Kageyama's POV:

Ever since lunch Y/N has been a bit off...hmm...maybe its just because she's not use to having so many different new people around her. As time passes by the time of tryouts has come you and Y/N have gone separate ways but you notice what was their names again...hmm..oh Saltishima, Tangerine, and I believe uhh whatever their names are...they're all heading in the same direction...*Are they...trying out too..?* you guys all end up in the same gymnasium.

As soon as you enter you see 5 other people already a gray haired guy, a guy with a man bun, a shrimp with black hair ruffling up and a tiny tuft of hair that appears to be bleached dirty blonde, one with a buzz cut...he looks like a delinquent...and then a guys with regular dark brown hair. The one with gray hair is the first to speak "Hi guys I'm Sugawara you guys are all here for the tryouts right!!" he says politely and gives you a two close eyed smile "Obviously. When are we going to start." Rudely says Tsuki "Hey how about you fix that attitude of yours, turn that frown upside down!!" Says the dark brown haired one "My names Daichi" he says "My names Nishinoya" says the one with the piece of bleached hair "But you guys can call me Noya" then the one with the man bun says "I'm Asahi I play as the ace for Kurasuno" "My names Tanaka but you're can call me, well you can just call me Tanaka" as he says while smiling

Tryouts have begun and you, Hinata, and Tanaka have been place on a team together to beat the other team, if you guys beat the other team, you guys get to be on the team!! As you play the game you see that the orange haired shrimp has extremely good reflexes, speed, and can jump very high!! But is bad at receiving and hitting. You keep scoring point and so does the other team and suddenly..."WHOOO!!" "YESSS!!" "NICE JOBB!!" "WE WONN" hehe looks like Y/N is going to have to treat me if she doesn't make the team!!

Ahh that felt good, I haven't played in a while *I wonder what Y/N's doing right now* oh well I guess I should head home...I'll see her later...


To be continued...

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