First Day Of School

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Kageyama's POV:

"Man it's already 7:35 and that dummy isn't outside yet?! What is taking her so long....? I'll just ask her" I tap on her window hoping she's not asleep, oh there she is *she opens her window* she's still in her pjs...what the heck...her fathers old shirt and her fuzzy blue socks..that shirt....its getting a...little..too small..tch nevermind "Hey loser hurry up we're gonna be late if we don't leave soon, didn't you say you wanted to make a good first impression you idiot...?! Ugh get ready in 5 or im leaving without you" you say, she responds with "I can't find the top I bought for today!  I bought it especially for today!! You know what just go without me I'll catch up with you later" aish that idiot I'm gonna have to go alone..whatever "Ok then fine..but if you're late you owe me milk" I said as I smirked knowing I'm gonna get milk she closes her window.

I spot her top that's under all her other I close my window I say "Man she really is dumb" as I'm on my way to school I get a text message.."Hmm from who.." I wonder, I open my phone, its my mom *New Message, Mom* I open it * Mom: Tobio don't forget to try out for the volleyball team, and make sure Y/N's not alone today, stick together, the first day of school can be tough ok? Ok love youuu* tch stick with that dummy...she'll just stick to me *To Mom: K* I've finally reached school...what time is it though..? As you check your phone you're on time its 7:50 you go to check out the gymnasium...once you see it your eyes widen a's been a long time since I last played volleyball in a gymnasium..after you're done scoping the place out you realize it's 8:00 and head back to the classroom where you see Y/N looking around sitting in front of where you're supposed to be sitting...*hehehe, I'm gonna surprise her!* "BOO!" I yelled, as she jumped she made her *I'm gonna hit you face* then she got up and punched me in the arm...which kinda hurt! I glare for a bit but then start laughing. As I'm laughing I notice she's staring at this blonde guy...who is he..? Does she know him..?'s only the first day. Nevermind...The teacher suddenly enters the classroom.

Y/N's POV:
The teacher entered the room "Hey guys sorry to keep you waiting I had a hold up with the principal, but anyway just like you guys I'm new here!! Ill be your teacher for the rest of the year! My name is Aisaka Kotoko, but can call me Miss.Kotoko" woah Miss.Kotoko is super pretty...she looks young too!! As time passed the bell finally rang meaning it was time for lunch as soon as you guys were dismissed you got you meat buns and started eating them right away. As you're eating you turn around and hand Kageyama the milk carton you owe him..."What's this for..?" he asks "It's the-*chomp* milk *chomp* I owe *chomp* you chomp*" you say in between bites as you rapidly eat your meat buns. "Jeez slow down or you're gonna choke" says Kageyama. "If you eat too much you're gonna get fat." He says. You glare at him and say "Mind your own business you twig, haha". More time passes and soon, the first day of school is over. On your way out you and Kageyama are on you way home but then you see the orange haired kid that you bumped into earlier...he sees you too. He runs up to you and says "Hey it's you again I'm sorry for bumping into you Miss...? I'm sorry, I don't know your name" you respond with "Oh that's right my name is Y/N, nice to meet you, I'm also sorry for bumping into you I should've watched where I was going, haha", "Oh no It's alright, my name is Hinata I'm a first year!!" He says, "Oh me and my friend Kageyama here are too!!" Kageyama is glaring at us "Y/N can we go now..? I'm tired.." he says is sad/mad voice. "Oh uh yea...Hinata I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow" you say. As you're walking alway Hinata suddenly says "Wait Y/N can I please have your number!!" As he gives you a two close eyed smile, you respond with "Ofc hold on, let me get my phone ou-" before you could even finish your sentence Kageyama grabs your wrist and drags you towards home. As you're being dragged away you yell "Sorry we'll have to do this another time!!" You guys have finally left the school and he lets go of your wrist "Kageyama why'd you drag me away godamn it!! I was gonna make a new friend!!" He looks at you and says "Am I not enough anymore Y/N?!" You wonder why he was angry about this...*why is he so...angry..?* "What..? What are you talking about you dummy? We're best friends are we not..?!" You say, he responds with "Yea well if you get a boyfriend we'll be separated at we won't see each other anymore!!" He yells, "YEA WELL EVEN IF I HAD A BOYFRIEND IT WOULDN'T EVER SEPARATE US!!" You yelled realized what you had just said and blushed a little "Y/N I-...I'm sorry" *he blushes and looks away* "Me too..i didn't mean to yell" you say. On the way home there's just awkward silence...a tension between you two. You guys finally reach home and say you're goodbyes. As time passes can't stop thinking about what had happened...was he...jealous..? He'd never gotten jealous before..its so unlike him. I think he was blushing too...*you remember the conversations and what you had said and start to blush* am I...blushing...? "No. no. NOO. I'm not!! SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N!!" You scream into your pillow then say "No...I F/N, L/N do NOT like Tobio Kageyama!!" You go on your phone to get distracted and then fall asleep...

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