Why do I always get hurt?

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Sean's POV


What a great way to start my day. I rush to get ready, I straighten my hair and put on an Asking Alexandria shirt with black skinny jeans and black Vans. I ran downstairs grabbed my book bag and yelled a quick bye to my mom, she looked mad so I just kept walking and avoided eye contact with her. I got outside and got my skateboard off the porch. My dad was walking inside and he looked terrible, I think it's safe to say he got wasted last night.

"Sean, why are you such a disappointment?"

And with that he walked inside and I heard screaming from both of my parents, I don't know why I'm a disappointment to you dad I thought I was a pretty good kid but I guess not. I walked down my driveway and then started skating on the sidewalk to school. I hate school and not just because of the typical I could be doing something so much better than this but because of the bullies and the preps.

It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school and I forgot to grab my headphones today so I don't get to listen to music, great. I finally get to school and pick up my skateboard. I walk in the building expecting to be tripped or something, surprisingly no one was there waiting. I looked up and I see the principal standing there yelling at one of the football players.

"Jackson, I've had reports that you've been bullying other kids at school, I'm going to need you to come to my office after 2nd period, I'm in a meeting until then." Said Mr. Randall.

Jackson replied, " Okay sir."

I was walking away as I heard Jackson's reply and I could tell he was looking at me thinking I was the one that snitched. Whatever though he probably won't get caught, he'll find away out of it. I head to my locker and I grab my books for the first half of the day. I start walking towards first period which is biology when the head cheerleader comes up to me.

" So Sean I've been thinking," She was pushing her breasts up against me while she was talking, " we never hang out, we should hang sometime."

She kept gliding her finger up and down my arm waiting for my reply. No matter how much I hate Jackson I won't help her cheat on him, so I lightly pushed her away from me and finished my walk to biology. I was almost late but I got lucky because the teacher came in late. I took my seat in the back of the room and waited for Mr. Rowlin to start class. I tuned him out and glanced out the window, I started to look away when I saw a girl sitting on a bench in the park across the road, she was petty... no not pretty she was beautiful. She had headphones in and a skateboard sitting on the ground under her feet, she had blue and purple scene hair with black hair on the bottom, she was wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt and red skinny jeans with black Vans. She looked like she was crying but I couldn't tell from here, who is she? I've never seen her before but she's just perfect.

The bell for 2nd period took my eyes away from this girl, I got out of my seat and decided I'd ignore her and stay in school. I started walking to 2nd period which is art, I love art I'm not that good at it but it keeps me calm. Today in art we're doing free draw so I let my hand take over my mind. The end picture was the girl I saw outside but it wasn't her exactly, she had black eyes and a wicked grin, I don't know why I drew her like that but it's making me want to meet her even more. Art ended so I took the picture and I didn't let anyone see it, I left the room to head to 3rd period.

Alex's POV

We have two schools in the town I live in, one on the East side and one on the West, I go to the one on the East side. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school and I had to leave the house extra early to avoid my drunk dad, my mom is confusing she can be a bitch one minute and care the next. Before she yelled at me this morning she texted me saying that my dad came home early this morning really drunk so I should leave early, I think that's why she was up early this morning. I had over an hour to kill so I started boarding around town when I stumbled across a group of jocks. They all looked at me then at each other

The one in the front said," Look what we have here a girl who looks like our Sean."

The other guys nodded in agreement and started asking the "main" jock what they were going to do to me.

He looked me up and down and said, " We can't be late to school again so we'll have to make this quick, she's not pretty enough to fuck so we'll just have to beat her up."

I was used to this sort of thing but not with people on the West side, they were all buffer and scarier so I jumped on my skateboard and started riding away. I heard them chasing me but didn't want to look back so I just kept going. I found a park and decided I could find a spot to hide in it, it's right across from the school so maybe they'll give up and just get to their school. I was right, after about 20 minutes I heard them give up and go to the school. I left my hiding spot, which was in a tree and I walked to the bench on the outside of the park. I put my board down under my feet and started crying, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Why were people so harsh to me? I'm not that different from them.

I had about 20 minutes to get to school by the time I finished crying so I jumped on my board and skated to school.

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