When we meet part 2

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Alex's POV

I was sitting in the office when he walked in, the guy from the bus. I was surprised I didn't think I'd see him much.

"Alex, this is Sean he will show you around today." The secretary said.

Sean, it suits him. I was nervous because I have really bad social anxiety and I knew I couldn't talk to him because of it, I'll probably make a fool out of myself in front of the hot guy. He looked really uncomfortable, maybe he doesn't want to talk to the 'emo'. He gestured for me to get up and go into the hallway with him, he doesn't really talk much.

We were walking and I was reallystarting to wonder how he knew where to go, he hasn't seen my schedule. My curiosity got the better of me.

" U-uhm, how d-do you know w-where to take me?"

I probably sounded like an idiot but oh well, I needed to know. He didn't seem to want to answer me for awhile.

"W-we have the same schedule." He said quietly.

He looked nervous, I wonder why.

Sean's POV

Her voice, it's beautiful. She seemed really nervous but it was still the cutest voice ever. I'm glad she started talking first there's no way I could've. We were almost at our first period class when she said something kind of shocking.

"I'm sorry if I seem r-rude, I have really uhm bad social anxiety."

I never thought about what she might be thinking, does she think I'm being rude? I should say something. Can I say something.

"Don't w-worry I understand, I have it too. By the w-way I think you're b-beautiful." I blurted out.

Oh my gosh what did I just say, she's going to hate me greatttt. She started bluching and it was adorable her cheeks got a rosy pink and she started to hide her face.

"I disagree." She mumbled, I can't believe I heard her but I did.

"Don't hide your face you are beautiful, one day, one day I will make you believe me."

I was getting more and more comfortable with her, I was thankful for that I'm glad things won't be awkward anymore. She looked up at me and she just frowned, I don't know why though.

"You don't have to lie to me, I know what I am and it is not that. Anyway are we almost to class?"

So that's why she frowned, I'll prove it to her one day.

"Yeah, it's right up here actually." I said as I pointed to the door.

"Cool, can you stay by me? I hate being the new kid. I'm just afraid and I don't want to go in alone."

"Of course I'll stay by you, you can come sit in the back with me, no one sits next to me."

She didn't reply she just smiled greatfully and stopped at the door. I knew she didn't want to go in but we had to do this sometime, I opened the door and started to walk in knowing she would follow.

"Ah, here we are. Hello Sean and Alex, I know how much introductions suck so I won't force you to say anything." Our teacher said. "Class this is Alex, she's new, treat her well." He said addressing the whole class.

I walked Alex to the back of the room and sat her down next to me. For the rest of the class we were passing notes and getting to know each other, at least the good stuff. I can honestly say for once I didn't absolutely hate school.

Sorry it's so short, I'm so sorry! I've been busy I promise the next one will be longer.

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