Chapter 3

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Maybe we're living younger
That's why we're Fever
Maybe we're living younger
That's why we're Fever
So I gotta let it go


Hongjoong walked out of the elevator at Jongho's apartment complex and slowly got to the door. It had been some time since he was here the last time. The walls had changed colors even! He made a not to himself that he had to come out of his apartment some more.

As he walked up to the door, he heard music from inside the apartment and not long after his first knock on the door it opened and a slightly tipsy Jongho, who welcomed him with a big bear hug.

Jongho, as he were while they were studying, were gone. The little, skinny and frightened boy had been replaced by a very strong young man, with much more confidence and self-worth. After Hongjoong and San had taken him under their wings, he had begun on his own self-exploring journey. He was quickly beginning to get hooked to working out after San started to take Jongho with him, to the gym as company. Small spaghetti noodle to beefcake was the result. The young man had even gotten the hobby with breaking fruit with his bare hands!

As well as his physical appearance, his mentality started to change and get stronger. The brothers made him believe more in himself and standing strong on his own. Sometimes people just need a small push.

San sat by the computer and put songs in cue on the playlist while sipping on a glass with a bright blue liquid. If Hongjoong knew his brother (and he did) then the drink were an "Polar bear"(the Danish kind) made with sprite and ROSE'S BLUE CURAÇAO and vodka. And if it was made like San always liked it, then the drink was made with half of the liquid being vodka.

"HYYYYUUUUNG!!!" San yelled while lifting his glass almost spilling the drink all over himself. He raised wobbly himself from his place of seating and wadled in his big brothers direction raising his arms, ready for a good oll' hug.

While almost squeezing the life out of his brother, he complained about Hongjoong being too pale and asking if he even got out of his small apartment. The answer was no. Beside his small visit to Mingi's café yesterday.

Hongjoong wondered how the tall redheads day had been. He wondered how much carrot cake and coffee got sold today. What kind of fresh flowers that decorated the café. And if Mingi smiled as much as yesterday.

When San finished almost suffocating his brother, Jongho stood ready with shot glasses filled with, what Hongjoong could smell as tequila.

"A welcome shot to everyone!" Jongho exclaimed loudly. Of course. Hongjoong shook his head with a smile but took the shot glass non the less.

They raised their glasses over their heads and yelled a "hooray" and downed the burning liquid. With a slight winching expression on their faces they landed their bottoms in the couch and the conversations and catching up started.

After countless shots and different drinks, the young men had started to get quite drunk, said lightly. They were maybe quite drunk to be honest.

Even though Jongho were the youngest and had been drinking just as much as the other two, he were the one who was the least drunk, while Hongjoong were slightly more drunk and San was utterly shitfaced. He simply laid on the couch blabbering words without context, while Jongho and Hongjoong had a heated discussion about what kind of cake was the best. Jongho said apple-pie while Hongjoong wouldn't budge from his choice. The carrot cake. Especially one carrot cake.

"You just don't get it Jongho! It taste like heaven! Mingi makes it like I've never tasted before. It's like he makes it with all of his love and sunshine. You should see his smile. It's so goddamn bright that it light the whole place up like no other. It's contagious. And I've only seen it yesterday for a couple of hours" Hongjoong slurred with large arm movements.

"I thought we had a conversation about cake, not who you fancy after meeting them one time and eating their bake goods." Jongho said, putting a hand on Hongjoongs shoulder, teasing clearly hearable in his voice, while still being slightly slurred after all the tequila.

"But I dooooo talk about the cake! Just about how it's made too!" Hongjoong said while knocking an empty beer can on the floor.

"Yeah yeah I guess....even though I don't believe that it's the only thing you think of while thinking about that cake" Jongho said while leaning back in the sofa with a yawn.

"Hey what do yo-" Hongjoong didn't get to finish his sentence before he heard a snore from Jongho and not long after San joined in.

Hongjoong sighed. It really was the best carrot cake he had ever tasted. It just happened to be baked by a cute sunshine. The alcohol were really hitting now and while he dozed off, the redhead started filling his soon to be dreams.

"Cute" he mumbled, finally giving in to the sleep.


Third chapter done ^^ This was a quick one (and maybe a bit messy tbh) because I'm slightly drained from schoolwork just a long day haha

Remember to take care of yourselves! Have a nice morning/afternoon/night wherever you are

- Krystalpigen

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