Chapter 49

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"Umm... I thought we ordered sushi for lunch? What happened? What is this?" Dawn asked, looking at their lunch container suspiciously, looking at the others around her.

"Is this even edible?" Leaf asked, poking the white and brown mysterious object in her container with her fork.

"I am not sure. It sure does not look appetizing," Misty whispered, staring at the food provided.

Paul looked at the girls who were complaining and frowned. "If you want to eat them, then don't eat. No one is asking you to eat them," he said.

"Are you sure it is not poisoned though? It didn't look safe to eat," Dawn asked again, quietly.

"Seriously woman. I told you already, just eat if you want," Paul retorted back.

"Umm... why not we just eat or called May to bring more food?" Leaf suggested before the two started to argue again.

It had been a week since the girls had been working in the boys' studio, working on their new songs. Working in the new environment was hard since on some days, the boys have filming to do in their studio and the girls would have little space to work. There were also times when the girls have to found other spaces to work and eventually decided to have that day off. Since both groups had been seeing each other more frequently in the studio, they were able to get a bit closer. Or they should be getting a bit closer.

"Can you guys not argue. My eardrums are about to explode," Misty sighed, looking at Dawn and Paul, who looked as if they were going to argue again.

During the second day of working in the same studio, Dawn was working with May on their new song together. Dawn was alone on the floor at that time, writing since May left to get food. For some mysterious reason and force, Paul was able to get himself tripped over Dawn's legs. That should not be a problem since Dawn was usually very forgiving but it did magically led to a very heated argument between the two. Dawn was an energetic girl who was usually very cheerful and easy to get along with. On the other hand, Paul was quieter and liked quiet places. With the two of them being opposites, they didn't seem to get along well. The two forces crashed when they met with disagreement. It was usually the girls who break the two apart and stop their argument before it got any worst and the two argued a lot.

Dawn looked away in a huff before sitting on the floor far away from Paul and cautiously start to eat her food. When May walked in with Drew behind her, she was met with a silent room. Misty and Leaf were eating the food that was provided on the table where they had carefully put away their works. Paul and Gary were eating on the sofa while Ash was eating on the floor next to them. Dawn, on the other hand, was leaning the wall.

"I am back guys with your drinks! Did something happen? The room was quieter than usual," May pointed out as she put the drinks on the table and start distributing them around after she had taken off her hat and sunglasses.

"Why don't you ask the two first? They almost started another argument over food," Misty replied as she rolled her eyes.

"Dawn and Paul again? Seriously. How many times had it been already?" May sighed as she looked at Dawn. Dawn wanted to retort but after she saw the look May gave her, she decided to stay quiet and continued to slowly eat her food.

"I don't get it, Paul. Usually, you would ignore someone who you found annoying. You were never the one to argue with someone repeatedly. What happened?" Drew asked Paul with a suggestive look.

"Drew, just shut up," Paul replied quietly, continued to eat his lunch.

May looked at the two in confusion before she shook her head and grab her container and went to sit next to Dawn. The lunch they had was homemade rice that was a bit overcooked covered with a very dark curry. It didn't look appetizing at first with is very dark and monstrous black color. They ate in silence for a while before May cannot take the silence. Usually, during lunch, someone would be talking, either it was a discussion about a new song, choreography, or anything. The silence was not something May was used to during lunch.

"We are going to have a break next week before coming back to work the week after. You guys have to film the whole week next week, right? We don't want to bother you," May announced.

"It should be fine. Are you sure you don't want to come next week?" Drew asked.

Misty, Leaf, and Dawn looked at May with surprise, not sure why May was suggesting a break. Out of all of the girls, May was the one that was most passionate about her work and always wanted to work on their music.

"Yes. I want the girls to have a break. It was supposed to be a break for us to begin with. I also want the, to have a clear head so that when we return, there will not be as many arguments and we can work a little better," May said, glancing at Dawn.

"That sounds logical, I think," Drew commented.

"You know May, we can always lock these two in a room somewhere and left them for a day or two for them to make up you know," Gary added, giving Paul a suggestive look. Paul glared at Gary with his famous glare while Gary chuckled a little. Everyone looked at Gary, and Dawn choked on her food, starting to cough and took a few large glops of her milk tea.

May thought about it for a while. "That may work too. We will have to see but we are going to take a vacation next week," May replied. "I need some fresh air and some relaxation and some ideas. I also need to contact Harley in some way about our old drafts in our studio and when thus vacation will end cause I don't like surprises," May thought out loud.

"I need some fresh air too. Let's get today done with. I need some creative energy from nature," Leaf commented.


Song: Everybody
Album: Everybody
Artist: SHINee

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