Chapter 45

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The first thing May did when she went back home to her family's house, she went to her old room and plopped down. No one was home besides the old butler who had been taken care of the family since she can remember and who had opened the door for her and a few maids, whom all had greeted her when she comes back and bumped into them in the hallways. It had been a while since she had come back to her old house after she had moved and started her group with the girls. She looked out at the ceiling, lost in thought for a while before she sits back up, and looked around her room. Everything seems to still be the same and hasn't changed over the years.

The room is very large, like a small apartment itself. The walls were painted with soft white that seems to turn blue under the sunlight. There were two big windows with soft blue curtains, bring in fresh air and sunlight into the room. Her room was simple and divided into three sections: living room, bedroom, and study. Her study was right next to the window, where she can have sunlight. There was a large white desk with papers, notebooks, and writing utensils, a soft and comfortable rolling chair and, a bookshelf with books and albums. In her living room, there is a big television on the wall, one couch, and two sofas, forming a rectangle and a glass coffee table in the middle. Her bedroom consisted of her queen-sized bed with red bedsheets, a nightstand with a beautiful glass lamp, and a full-sized closet.

Looking around the room, May remembered her childhood, where she used to work and play in the room. She knew that someone had been cleaning this room frequently since there is no dust sitting on the furniture. Remembered the good and the bad memories, she got off of the bed and walked to her closet where she chooses some clothes and takes a bath in her bathroom.

The bathroom itself is large and luxurious. May smiled when she saw her old products left untouched on the shelf. She grabbed a few bottles before filling her tub with water and got in. Leaning back at the tub, May thought about what she can do during the break. She was unsure as to what she should do since she was not used to it.

'I may start by walking around the house. I wonder if anything had changed over the years," May thought. "I wonder if the girls had arrived home yet? What are they doing now?"

Instead of her own apartment, May decided to spend her vacation in her family home, so that she would not get bored and lonely. It also had been a long time since they had done anything together and May missed that. She also feels that it would help her with some music writing if she had spent them with her family

After about twenty minutes in the bathtub, May quickly washed off and gets dressed for leaving the room. As she walked out in her light blue robe and drying her hair with a light red towel, someone knocked on her door.

"Miss May, are you in there?" a voice called. It was the butler.

"Do you need anything?" May called, feeling that it was inappropriate to go out with a night robe and her wet hair.

"Would you like lunch, Miss May?" the butler asked through the door.

May looked at the clock that hangs on the wall. "No thank you. I had already eaten before leaving the hospital. Thank you. You should eat your lunch too, butler," May replied.

"Yes, Miss May. If you have any think you need, please call me or one of the maids," the butler said and May heard his footsteps slowly walked away.

Once the footsteps were gone, May dried her hair and then put the towel back into the bathroom to dry and changed her clothes to her comfortable casual clothes that she usually wears. Surprisingly, her old clothes still fit her. She took her whole and her headphones before leaving her room to explore the house.

The whole house was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. May knew where everything is but some changes in the house weren't there when she still lived in the house. Her house becomes more simple as many things had either been stored away for thrown away. There are many rooms for May to explore so it took her at least three hours before she finished exploring and went to the garden, where her mom maintained it with the gardener. The garden consisted of many different types of flowers and May cannot help but admire each of their beauty. There was another garden, in the back where it was only for roses and different styles and colors of roses. Her father had proposed to her mother in a great rose garden so the rose garden was like a memorial for them.

By the time May finished with her own tour, the sun began to sit. She had lost her time in the garden where she was sitting on the grass, leaning against the great maple tree in the backyard and lost in her thoughts. May quickly get up and patted herself before rushing to her room. When she gets in, she saw her family just walking into the front door. Excited, May ran towards them with wide arms.

"Mother! Father! Max! I had missed you so much!" May said, hugging them tightly.

Norman laughed before hugging his family too. The family holds each other for a while before they let go. Caroline hold May at an arms distance and liked at her up and down. "You looked great May. Do you feel tired or anything? How are you feeling now?"

"Mom, I am fine. The doctor said I am fine too. Very healthy. How have you been?" May asked with a smile.

"We have bee good, honey. Why don't we sit down for a while? We have a guest today," Caroline said.

May nodded before she turned her eyes to the guest only to found herself in shock and her eyes twitching. "Why are you here?" she asked.


Song: Call Me Baby
Album: Exodus
Artist: EXO

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