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Lexi's POV
Everyone got ready so we could meet Cora. We got in our cars and followed Ale to her house. When we pulled up they were cute little apartments. We walked to her door and knocked and she answered soon after.
Cora: " Hey guys! I swear there was more of you guys at playlist" She says laughing
Ale: " Some of them were just friends, how have you been?"
Cora: " I'm good, how about you?"
Ale: " I'm good I'm good"
Lexi: " Ale are you going to introduce us orr..."
Ale: " Ok so this is Alexis, Samy, Mattia, Katie, Kairi, Noen, and Maria"
Cora: " It's nice to meet you guys!"
Katie's POV
We all went to go sit on the couch and I sat next to Kairi. He looked over rolling his eyes and scooted over. I rolled my eyes and moved next to Mattia.
Mattia: " What's wrong"
Katie: " What I cant sit next to my boyfriend?"
Mattia: " You just look upset that's all"
Katie: " Nope I'm good"
Mattia: " Alright good"
We hung out at Cora's for hours and finally decided to head home. We got in our car and started driving home.
Ale: " So guys, what do you think?"
Kairi: " She's really sweet"
Mattia: " I like her"
Kairi: " Don't steal his girl next"
Mattia: " Dude shut up"
Katie: " She's really pretty!"
Ale: " Well I'm glad you guys like her because we made it official"
Katie: " Congrats Ale!"
Ale: " Thank you"
We got out the car and went inside.
Katie: " Lexi can I talk to you for a second?"
Lexi: " Of course what's up?"
Katie: " So the father isn't Kairi's it's...Mattia's and me and Mattia got back together"
Lexi: " I seriously don't know what to say I mean as long as your happy then I'm happy"
Katie: " Thank you for understanding"
Lexi: " No problem, does Kai know?"
Katie: " Yeah... he didn't take it so well"
Lexi: " I'm sorry"
Katie: " It's ok, I guess it was bound to happen at one point"
Lexi's POV
I was watching tv in the living room when a random number started calling me.

Phone call
Is this Lexi?
Yeah, who is this?
It's Cora, sorry Ale gave me your number
It's cool, what's up?
Um I don't know how to say this... well earlier when you guys were here I was too scared to say anything but there has been this guy around here and he's been like stalking me...so I was wondering if I could spend a couple nights with you guys?
Omg of course! Do you need someone to come pick you up?
Please? I don't want to be alone right now
I'll send Ale you just go pack up some bags
Ok thank you so much
No problem
Call ended

Lexi: " Alejandro!"
Ale: " What's wrong?!"
Lexi: " I need you to go pick up Cora and bring her here"
Ale: " Why?"
Lexi: " Please just do it, make sure you text her when your at the door"
Ale: " Ok"
Alejandro's POV
I got in the car and drove to Cora's house. When I got to the door I texted her saying I was outside and she immediately opened the door holding a bunch of bags.
Cora: " Can you help me?"
Ale: " I got you baby"
We walked to the car and Cora got all the stuff in the car as quick as possible. She got in the car and kept looking around. I got in the car and looked at her.
Ale: " Baby what's wrong?"
Cora: " This guy has been stalking me..."
Ale: " What?! I'm sorry baby"
Cora: " It's fine I just don't wanna be here"
As I was turned the car on my head lights turned on and a guy was standing in front of the car. Cora started crying and saying that's him. I rolled my window down a little and started yelling at him.
Ale: " Dude why don't you go somewhere and leave my girl alone!"
He just stood there so I put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. I would occasionally check my mirrors and make sure he wasn't following us. We got to the house and quickly got the stuff and went inside just in case he did manage to find us. We locked the door frantically and everyone looked over at us confused.
Lexi: " Guys Cora will be staying with us for a while"
Mattia: " Why? We just went to her house it looked fine and livable"
Lexi: " Yeah well not when your being stalked Mattia"
Mattia: " Oh my bad I guess"
Cora: " It's fine"
Ale: " You can stay in my room come on"
We were walking upstairs and I can feel Maria's eyes following us to the stairs. Before I walked up I glanced over at her and she just shook her head rolling her eyes and looked away.
Angel's POV
I got back and everyone was in the living room. Then I seen Ale and this girl come down the stairs.
Angel: " Damn y'all replaced me already" I said chuckling
Samy: " That's Cora little one, she's staying with us for a while"
Angel: " Oh cool, but why the fuck you calling me little one?!"
Samy: " Because your practically still a child"
Angel: " Whatever"
Noen: " How was José's?" He said with a smirk
Angel: " Great you guys don't need to know all of my business"
Samy: " Chile- anyways so me and Lexi are leaving tomorrow afternoon to go get the kids"
Angel: " Will you guys be back before I leave"
Lexi: " Oh yeah definitely we aren't stay that long just like 1 day"
Angel: " I wanna meet them especially Mateo"
Maria: " Girl what do you want with my son?"
Angel: " He seems funny and lit"
Samy: " Because y'all are practically the same age?"
Angel: " You're very annoying" I said smiling
Samy: " Picture me as your big brother"
Angel: " I've been doing that, you guys are like family to me"
Samy: " Ah I knew little one liked me"
Angel: " Call me little one one more time and we'll fight"
Samy: " Pump the breaks little one- I mean if you could reach the break"
Angel: " Bitch" I said putting my phone down and charging at him
Samy: " Wallahi bro I will end you stay away" He said throwing a pillow at me
I threw the pillow back and he picked me up and slammed me on the couch and started throwing pillows at me.
Lexi: " Attack!" I seen Lexi jump on Samy's back trying to get him off me"
Ale: " Oh we jumping?"
Ale grabbed a pillow and started hitting Lexi trying to get her off of Samy's back. Katie got up and hit Ale with a pillow and Mattia was helping. Noen just started hitting everyone. We all stopped when we realized Cora and Kairi we're still sitting down.
Lexi: " Come on guys!"
Kairi: " Ugh fine"
We all were attacking each other and just having fun.
wow. i really have to go back to doing online school next month🤢 free me till it's backward!
anwayyy i'm gonna update a lot today so stay tuned ah😜

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