Wait! Mom Is What!?

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Hey guys, I know September is a long time to wait, but someone name @JehanJain made me feel willing to make one more chapter to finish season 1, so this chapter is going to be a trailer kinda, but it's the last chapter which starts season 2. But hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and please don't hate me for making y'all wait till September, but I need to organize how the story go or else it's going to suck like my first few chapters so kek=lol, but also I use kek because I like the word better. I use it to see if anyone knew what it meant, however I just hope y'all comment more so I can have like little chats with y'all, because its boring to not have anyone talk to. Anyways I'm getting off topic. Go and read ahead kek. Meet y'all at the bottom UwU. (Thx for 20 followers dear special readers this is for y'all!)
Sera's Room
6 a.m.

(Sera's POV)

*bleep bleep*

*bleep bleep*

"It's morning already?" I yawned turning off the my alarm clock.

"I guess time to go over to John's dorm now." I told myself getting up to take a shower.

I started heading towards the bathroom after finding my fresh pack of clothes for today, but they were mostly all the same anyways. As soon as I open the door something ran up to me and tackle me on to my bed. I look up to see a puppy on top of me.

"Elaine! Why's there a puppy in our house?" I asked worried a bit.

"Oh sorry Seraphina!" Elaine yelled out as she later came into my room catching her breath.

"Again can you get this puppy off of me Elaine?" I repeated again politely, but eyeing her.

"Sorry my bad Sera," Elaine smiled nervously,"Jewels, your so hard to deal with sometimes you little puppy."

"So where you got that dog and why did you get one?" I queried.

"Well let's say it's not for me,but~" Elaine slowly speaks.

"But I never wanted a dog, but ok." I accepted.

"Ok then, just make sure you take care of Jewels like she's you and John's daughter." Elaine explained.

"Wait what!? Why don't you get one for yourself and Arlo than!" Sera blushed yelled.

"Oh, so I see you and John been having that type of fun already and you blushing about having a kid?" Elaine teased.

"Well I'm taking a shower now." Sera said calming down but blushing about her and John having an actual child.

"Well hope you love your father and mother with all your heart now Jewels." Elaine doggy talked to Jewels rubbing his neck making him feel so comfortable.

"Arf!" Jewels happily barks.

POV changing
Time skip
Blyke's and Isen's Dorm
6:15 a.m.

(Isen's POV)

"Blyke wake up!" I screamed into Blyke's ear.

"What~!? Let me get another minute please~" Blyke sheepishly replied.

"Wake up now please." I shake Blyke.

"Alright, alright~" Blyke complained.

"Alright then, go take a shower real quick so we can go to John's dorm so we can't eat breakfast." I rushed.

"Give me three minutes Isen~" Blyke yawned getting up to get ready for today.

"Well I'm out of here, meet you at John's dorm!" I yelled before shutting the door.

UnOrdinary (John X Seraphina) A Love That's UnbreakableWhere stories live. Discover now