X. The End of Something

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The Umbrella Academy gathered outside in the snow around a coffin. Vanya held Madelina's hand as silent tears fell down her cheeks.

Pogo walked up. "Your father is ready to give the eulogy, children."

Sir Reginald stepped forward. "The world is full of injustice. Good people die along with the bad. This cosmic equation will never change unless evil itself is wiped from existence. Thankfully, there are powerful forces pushing back against the wicked and iniquitous, individuals who have the strength to pull together against insurmountable odds to face adversity with unblinking courage, and not to hesitate to sacrifice themselves for one another." The twins' breath trembled. "Unfortunately, none of you, with the exception maybe of one, are such people." Klaus sighed. "Despite years of training and weeks of preparation, you allowed Number Six to die on this mission."

Allison gasped. "It wasn't our fault." Luther rubbed her arm.

"Excuses? I will not hear them. The Umbrella Academy has failed one of their own, the consequences of which are dire. Hold on to this feeling, children."  The children sniffled. "Let it fester in your hearts... so there is never a next time. Training will be canceled today out of respect for your brother. We resume tomorrow at 6:00 a.m." He walked away and Grace and Pogo followed.

Soft sniffles sounded and Allison sobbed softly.

"It wasn't anybody's fault," Vanya said.

"Sometimes... things happen," Madelina added in a trembling voice.

"How would you know, Vanya? You weren't even on the mission," Diego told her, glancing at Madelina with a slightly softer expression.

Vanya gasped softly and whimpered as she left. Madelina glared at Diego and followed her twin.

"Nice going, asshole," Luther retorted.

"What?" Diego argued. "We were all thinking it."

"Oh, so  you're thinking, Diego?" Allison shot back. "That's a first."

"Screw you!" He started leaving.

Luther followed him. "Hey! Dad was right. We should've done more. This didn't have to happen." The two walked off.

Klaus walked in a different direction than his siblings.

"Excuse me?" Allison said.

"I couldn't do it all by myself," Diego replied.

The conversation continued indistinctly.

"You're supposed to be Number One..." Diego trailed.

Klaus entered the gazebo and set down his umbrella. He sniffed and exhaled as he shook his hands.

He inhaled sharply and grunted, causing his hands to glow blue. Energy warbled softly and faded.

"Klaus?" Ben called from behind.

Klaus turned and gasped, exhaling sharply as he walked towards Ben.

"Where... Where am I?" Ben asked.

"You're back in the land of the living," Klaus replied. "It's been a total shitshow since you died. The family's a mess." He opened a flask and drank from it.

"Listen, um... I need to go back."

"What? No. Why? You just got here."

"I know. But there's a light, and they told me to walk into it."

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