Past and Present

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Special thanks to my beta-reader Chridder (from A03) for helping me out with this.

Special thanks to Darkangel4066 (from AO3) for making this book cover for me.


Trigger warning: indirect (mildly) mention of rape and prostitution ( nothing too serious/explicit, though )


Jakku. Once known as a verdant world with forests and water. Now a parched planet with marching dunes and golden sand.

The people who live here are impoverished with scanty ways of making ends meet, either as a scavenger or a mercenary/ thug.

But even on this nowhere planet, people still have dreams and hope for a better future despite their harsh life.


On the sun-blasted surface of Jakku, a lonely figure exits a Star Destroyer, hauling salvaged parts to her speeder. Her form is dainty, a clear sign she is still a child. A mask and googles cover her face, protecting her from the scorching heat.

Even though she is 15 years old, she's dangerous and aggressive when it comes to protecting her own.

A few days ago, she beat the shit out of some thugs who work for her employer, Unkar Plutt, when they tried to have their way with her. Some ended up with a broken nose, others with broken ribs.

Oddly enough, Unkar Plutt didn't do anything to retaliate to this affront. Maybe he's scared of her. Or maybe he's plotting something else...

Whatever it is, the young girl will get out of the situation the only way she knows how: with her quarterstaff.


Later, when she gets to Niima outpost to trade the salvaged parts for food, the sly smile Unkar Plutt offers her sends a shiver down her spine.

She takes only a few steps from his stall before being subdued by Unkar's thugs who push her down, immobilizing her arms and legs.

Out of nowhere, the form of Unkar Plutt appears in her peripheral vision. She spits at him.

"Rey... Rey..." , he scolds mockingly. "Did you really think you could get away after your little stunt?"

"Damn you, Plutt!" , Rey screams, enraged, struggling to get free.

"Hm, since you seem to be more of a hassle than it's worth, I'll sell you to the First Order. Word on the back routes say that the First Order acquired a warrior who's doing all their dirty work. Maybe he'll teach respect since you will become his property ", Unkar adds, lifting Rey's chin to mock her. She bites hard into his hand.

"Why you...!", Unkar screeches, preparing to hit Rey , in the head, with a thick baton.

Rey closes her eyes in anticipation of the hit, but it never comes. When she dares to open her eyes, she sees a hooded figure who stopped Unkar's arm midair.

"Enough! I don't want my merchandise to be damaged!", a deep voice growl from under the hood.

"Your merchandise?", Unkar asks in disbelief.

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