𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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*✭ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎 ✭*

*✭ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎 ✭*

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The rest of the morning Hemming's look and his words did not leave me alone. I was used to not being able to concentrate on my lessons, but that my thoughts were always with him and that even on the day when my whole attention should be focused on our Flashmob was new.

Thank God I only had two more lessons after the free period, the last of them one more math lesson before the bell rang for lunch.

Luke and I had arranged to meet our friends who were already sitting at a table when we entered the dining room. We quickly grabbed a serving at the counter before joining them.

To my pleasure, I noticed that everyone had participated in our action. Even Lucy and Ashton. Even though the only thing Lucy had applied was a little mascara and a soft pink lip gloss, I was extremely happy that she had decided to participate, especially now that I knew how much overcoming it cost her to break the rules.

Ashton's eyelids were dipped in a thin layer of black glitter, which not only made him look extremely cool, but also made him look much more confident, even though it wasn't as easy to see behind the thick lenses.

"Damn, you all look good," I couldn't help but say to them as I dropped down to the seat opposite Ashton.

"That glitter looks really good on you," I said to Ash specifically, whereupon his lips bent into a curve.

"Thanks," he chuckled.

"But look at you two first", Lucy replied, "Black is your colour, Liv and Luke, you rock that eyeliner."

Calum next to her reinforced her statement, in which he then kissed his thumb and index finger noisily and stretched his hand away from him. "Chief Kisses."

"Both my accomplishments, and so is Michael," I proudly said.

I thought I had done well, too. I was especially pleased with Luke's look, because it was the first time ever that I had made someone up who wasn't me and if you considered that you could really say that I had done a good job.

But hearing from the others that they liked it as well made me feel even more at peace with it.

"I didn't volunteer," Michael clarified, whereupon everyone laughed, "They made me."

"It's for charity," I defended in a playfully serious voice.Of course, I didn't expect any of the boys at our school to participate today, especially since I knew that this topic probably hurt their ego more than anything else did. So of course I was all the more plumbed with joy because I still saw a few male faces with make-up on that day.

"I just think it's amazing how many participated," I finally said the thoughts that had been buzzing around in my head all day.

Everyone agreed with me immediately, which also immediately drove us to think about our next move. Now that things were already rolling, we were not allowed to pull the handbrake again and had to think especially carefully about our next move, so that we wouldn't stray from the path and everything would end in chaos.

"I think it is important that we let the students know that we are behind this," I said. "The main reason we teamed up was so that we could benefit from your influence on the students, but so far we haven't been able to use it at all."

I knew that my words might sound harsh and could be understood as meaning that I regretted working with Hemmings on this, but I was sure he knew that this was not what I wanted to get across and that I occasionally thought of the benefits we had, but had not yet fully exploited them.

"And how do you plan to do that?" Luke asked.

I thought for a moment. There were few options left, if there were any at all, if there were several that even existed. The only thing I could think of myself was, "We'll sign the next flyer. "

Hemmings was about to open his mouth and say something about it, when Lucy beat him to it: "No, Liv, no way"

I gave her a confused look, with which I wanted to tell her as much as: why not?

"Just imagine if one of these slips of paper got lost or, for whatever reason, ended up in the hands of a teacher, or even worse, the headmaster's office. You'll both be out of here faster than you can count to five."

She was right; she was damn right. It was too risky, but what else could we do?

Now it was Ashton who came up with a proposal that more than surprised us all. In fact, it took me a few seconds to realize what the brilliant suggestion he had just made was.

"What if we were planning an event," he had said, "You hand out another flyer with the date and location, preferably outside the school, and ask everyone to come. You can then give a speech, explain to them exactly what your goal is.

And the best thing is to think of another action until then, which you can present on site and convince them with all the passion you have.

Spoken words leave a much greater impression than the words they read on the notes."

He didn't need to say any more, because he had us more than convinced already after the first sentence. It was damn good to have such a smart friend like Ash, who probably had more brain cells than Luke and me combined.

Immediately we started to discuss with full eagerness where and when exactly we wanted to do our event. However, it didn't need much discussion as we all agreed that the beach was a suitable place as it was far enough away from the school but still easily accessible.

We also really wanted to do the event on one night, so we quickly decided to do it next Saturday night so that we still had enough time to plan everything.

But after noon the idea was already mature enough that it was possible to design the flyers. Hemmings and I took over this task as always and didn't want to put it off for long, so we decided to print them out and distribute them right at the weekend.

When I was in bed long that day, waiting for sleep to catch up with me, I had a feeling inside me that was hard to describe. It felt as if I was about to burst with excitement, while at the same time I felt more peaceful than ever.

I think it was because for the first time in my life I felt I had made a difference.

Everything I did at home, no matter how hard I tried, seemed either wrong or just not good enough.

This battle, however, for the first time in my life, gave me the feeling that I was good enough for something and that what I thought was best was what my fellow people wanted.

I was truly happy for the first time in a while.

And by that I don't mean the laughter you share with friends after a funny joke or the relief when the exam didn't turn out as bad as you thought it would, but the state of mind that just let you know that there was nothing that could have upset you in that very moment.


finally a new chapter, I'm sorry for taking so long to update :o

School has just started and well... i think this is kinda self explanatory from here on. 

However I want to continue updating and I want to have some sort of plan so that you know when to excpect a chapter.

For now on I'm gonna sattle with 2 Chapters per week

one on Wednesday and one on Sunday :)

We'll see how it'll work out <3

anyway, love you loads thank you for reading, voting and commenting, it really means a lot to me :)

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