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Director/Teacher: Robert Downey Jr 🌚

Director/Teacher: Robert Downey Jr 🌚

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Chapter 1

"I love you." Gigi said, looking deeply into my eyes.

I smiled at her. "I love you too. I love the way your hair blows in the wind, the way you smile brightly at me..." I stepped closer to her. "I especially love your eyes." I whispered to her.

Her eyes landed on my lips before she licked her own. "Kiss me." she whispered.

I felt my cheeks warm up. "I-I-I-I-Cut." I said, looking at our drama director teacher.

He sighed. "Only I am allowed to say cut, Zayn. Not you. Now, what is the problem?"

I chewed on my bottom lip, a bit embarrassed to tell him why I couldn't continue the scene with Gigi.

I couldn't just bring myself to kiss her. I've never kissed anyone before and I don't want my first kiss to be with someone that I don't love.

It left an aching in my chest. Every time I try to kiss anyone, people during plays, drama club, shows, my heart would just tighten up.

I didn't understand it at first but I think it's just my heart's weird way of telling me only kiss people I love.

"I don't want to kiss her.." I confessed.

Gigi gasped, clearly offended. "Why not? I'm hot."

I rolled my eyes internal. "So? What does that have to do with me not wanting to kiss you?"

She looked at me like I grew an extra head. "Uh...everything. Everyone wants to kiss me. Why do you think I got the lead in this? Because I'm hot obviously."

I sighed and looked at our teacher. "I just don't want to kiss her. I have a uhh...kiss phobia."

Mr. Downey looked at me in disbelief. "Seriously?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yes, my ex uh puked in my mouth when she tried to k-kiss me." I lied.

Mr. Downey sighed. "You are one of the best singers we have in this class Zayn. You are perfect for this role. If you want to score big bucks I suggest you put this phobia to the back of your mind." He said, putting air quotes around phobia.

Gigi nodded in agreement. "Exactly, who knows...maybe I can treat that phobia of yours. I'm a great kisser." She said, smirking at me.

I tried my best not to puke at her comment and just sent her a tight smile. "Fine. Can I just go to the dressing room? I need to clear my head." I asked Mr. Downey.

He nodded. "Sure, we're wrapping it up anyway. We've rehearsed long enough."

I was about to walk off the stage but Gigi called my name. "Yeah?" I answered her.

"Seriously though, are you okay?" She asked.

Gigi and I have this strange relationship...it's a love and hate one. One minute she's super cool and not bitchy, mostly when we're alone though. Then the next, she's an arrogant brat.

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