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Chapter 10

*A week later*

I yawned as I walked out into the kitchen. Harry had his shirt off again and he was at the table spreading peanut butter on his bread.

He needs to be spreading me like that.

What has gotten into me? Why am I thinking dirty thoughts?

"Are you going to stand there and just watch me? I'm flattered but it's getting weird." Harry told me, not looking up from what he was doing.

I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over to the table. "I was just deep in thought."

Harry looked at me and scanned my body slowly. "You look nice today."

I looked at my clothes and shrugged not seeing how a black shirt and jeans is looking nice. I just threw anything on. "Uh, thanks I guess."

Harry nodded. "You have art today right?"

I nodded and grabbed the bag of bread. I tossed two slices in the toaster and turned to Harry. "Yes, why?"

He turned in his seat and bit into his sandwich. "How is your drawing?"

I chuckled. "Horrible. My hand is starting to twitch again."

Harry frowned. "Maybe you should go see the physical therapist I always bring up, if you keep having these muscle spasms."

I signed. "I don't think I'm ready. It makes my problem seem more real." I mumbled.

He bit into his sandwich again. "Well, it is. Art should be enjoyable. Especially someone as talented as you. You should do it."

I smiled at him, his words cheering me up. "Fine, but can you come with me? I'm scared."

Harry nodded. "Sure, anything for you." He said, giving me that look again.

I huffed. "You are making this difficult, goodness."

He smiled. "What am I doing?"

I rolled my eyes as the toaster dinged. "You just are so intense, only word I can think of right now." I said, turning to grab my bread. I grabbed paper towels and put my bread down.

"Maybe it's not me being intense maybe it's you feeling intense emotions towards me." He said.

I looked at him. "No, you do a thing with your eyes. You know what you're doing." I said, focusing on my sandwich again.

"What thing? It's called staring, Zayn."

I grabbed the peanut butter off the table. "It's the way you stare at me. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Well, I think it's quite obvious I like you."

I sighed, grabbed my bread and sat across from him. "I-okay." I felt myself blush and I focused on spreading peanut butter on my slices.

Harry chuckled. "You're so cute."

"You're so blunt." I replied back, not looking up at him.

"I was looking forward to you saying hot or sexy but blunt works for now." He said, smiling playfully at me.

I chuckled. "When do you want to do this physical hellhole thing? I'm free after art so I'll be here around 12."

I bit into my sandwich and waited for Harry to speak. "Hellhole? It will be great, Zayn. Don't think so negatively." Harry said patting my hand gently.

I sighed. "I guess."

Harry bit his lip. "So, your visions. Any updates?"

I hummed. "Uh, I had a vision of me listening to a song. Wait let me pull it up, I downloaded it." I grabbed my phone and showed Harry my music playlist.

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