Mission 1: (Rewrite)

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A few years later

(Y/n)'s POV

Nighttime is where some of the demons like to come out most of the time, but other than that Dante was sitting down on his desk, while I was busy at fixing my outfit because it was it like a little messed up in the back.  I have been wearing this outfit since when me and Dante got our shop name and it was worth it.  I was finished with fixing my clothes before I walked towards Dante's desk, "Hey, babe." I said to Dante with a smile on my face.  Dante looks up to see me walking towards him, "Hey, (Y/n). How's my amazing girlfriend doing?" Dante asks me.

I looked at Dante before I wrapped my arms around Dante's neck before telling him, "I'm good and how about you handsome?" I ask Dante with a small smirk on my face.  Dante just chuckles at me before he could say anything to me, we hear our desk phone ring.  Dante picks the phone up before he answers the phone, "Devil May Cry." Dante says to the person who is on the other side of the line.  Dante was listening to the person who was on the phone, but I am guessing it wasn't important before he told the person, "...Sorry we closed at 9:00." Dante says to the person who was on the other side of the line.  Dante puts the phone back before I just giggle at him before I kiss Dante's forehead, "Again, no password. I can't seem to get any real business." Dante says to me.

I was going to say something to Dante, but before I could say anything to him, we saw a woman with long blond hair break down our door with a motorcycle that she was riding on.  My (h/c) hair was covering my (e/c) eyes so I moved my hair back, "Whoa, slow down!" Dante yells out to the woman.  The woman gets off of her motorcycle, "Well well, what we do we have here? Nature's call? It's in the back." Dante says to the woman.  Dante even points his hand back to let the woman know that the bathroom is behind us.

The woman was looking around at our shop before she finally said something to us, "So... you must be the handyman who will take any dirty job? And you must be his girlfriend that helps him out and goes on jobs with him? Am I correct?" The woman asks us.  I was kinda impressed with her but something told me that she is not human but something about her that she looks familiar but I couldn't even think about it, "Almost. I only take special jobs. If you know what I mean." Dante said to the woman while he was grabbing his sword.

I only had my dagger and my two guns and that was it.  Everyone was quiet before the woman started talking to us, "You're the man who lost a mother and brother to evil twenty years ago. The son of the legendary dark knight, Sparda. Mr. Dante." The woman said to Dante.  The woman turns to me, "You are (Y/n)? A full-blooded human that lost both of her parents when you were little." The woman said to me.  I was in shock that she knew about my parents death.

Flashback still (Y/n)'s POV

Both of my parents died in a car accident so I was forced to live in an orphanage place but I never liked it so I ran away from there.  I even had to cut my hair short back then so no one could recognize me, but I was able to learn how to defend myself because there was some people that could hurt me or try to do anything on me, but I was able to get strong enough and no body mess with me since then.  I was able to fight on my own, but one day there was someone I didn't know and he started to look at me, "Hey pretty little lady and why are you here all by yourself." He asked me.

I know not to trust him, so I walk away from him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back and I tried to fight back but he was stronger than, so I couldn't win, my only option was to scream and tried kicking him, so I did both of them and the man had put his hand down to cover my mouth, "Don't scream." The man said to me.  I looked at the man before he could touch his pants.  I saw a man with white hair was walking in the sidewalks.

I knew that I had to do something, so I screamed real loud, "Mmmh!!" I muffled out to the man with white hair.  The man with white hair turns around to see me and the strange man.  The man with white hair before he starts walking towards us, "What's going on?" The man asks the strange man that was covering my mouth.  The strange man looks at the man with white hair before he tells him, "Oh nothing. Me and my girlfriend are just doing our own business if you don't mind." The strange man said to the man with white hair.

The Journey Continues: Devil May Cry 1 (Dante x reader) Book 2: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now