Mission 14:(Rewrite)

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Dante's POV

I was swimming out of the ship before I move (Y/n)'s unconscious body in bridal style before I was swimming up before I jumped up to get us on land.  Once, I was able to get us on land.  I start running before placing (Y/n)'s unconscious body on the ground before I start to place my ear on her chest, so I could hear her heartbeat.  It was only faint heartbeat before I noticed her body start to turn into a bluish color on her (s/c) skin.  I started to remove her brown jacket before I started to give her CPR before I started to pump her chest to at least help her out.

No matter how many times that I kept trying to get (Y/n) to wake up, "(Y/n)! You better not die on me!" I yelled out to (Y/n).  (Y/n) was still not moving before I remove my red coat before putting it on her body.  To at least give her something to be warm.  I kept repeating the same thing over and over again, but (Y/n) was still not moving at all.  I didn't give up, so I place my mouth on her mouth before giving her some oxygen again, while I was pumping her chest again.  I was almost closed to giving up, but that's when I saw (Y/n)'s (e/c) were wide open now before she sits up really quickly.

(Y/n) starts coughing rapidly before she vomits on the ground.  (Y/n) was finish vomiting before she was coughing again.  I patted her back before I wrapped my arms around (Y/n)'s waist before asking her, "Are you okay?" I ask (Y/n).  (Y/n) just lightly coughs at this before she tells me, "I thought I was going to die." (Y/n) said to me.  I just pulled (Y/n)'s body close to my chest before telling her, "I was not going to let you die on me." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) just wraps her arms around my waist before I slowly help her up on the ground.  (Y/n) gives me back my red coat, while I grab (Y/n)'s brown coat before giving it back to her.

We grab our coats before putting them back on.  (Y/n) gives me a small smile on her face before we start walking towards this little tunnel, but we saw those puppet demons again.  I decided to pick (Y/n) up in bridal style before I was running away from the demons, "Dante! What about the demons?!" (Y/n) asks me.  I just told (Y/n), "Forget about them! You're more important than them!" I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) just lays her head on my chest before I opened the doors to get us out of here.  I was able to get me and (Y/n) out of there, I place (Y/n) on ground before we start walking downstairs before looking around the area, but we noticed a spike wall, so we walk the other way.  

We were walking for a bit before we noticed bars were keeping something going over there, "Maybe there must be a way to get that to open." (Y/n) says to me.  I just told (Y/n), "Yeah, let's go find it." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) just nods her head at me before we start walking before, we thought it was a dead end, but we noticed the skeleton was holding something in his hands.  I grabbed the shield before giving it to (Y/n) before I noticed the skeleton's arm to be a lever.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "(Y/n), I need you to go back to that little area that doesn't have spike walls. I just have a weird feeling that once I pulled this lever. It's not going to be pretty." I said to (Y/n).  

(Y/n) just nods her head at me before she starts running before she was out of sight.  I heard (Y/n) yelled out to me, "Dante! You can pull the lever now!" (Y/n) yells out me.  I just listened to her before I pulled the lever.  I heard something being open.  That's when I realized it was a booby trap, "Shit!" I mutter out loud.  I start running but also making sure that I avoid the spikes that were coming out fast from the floor.  The floor was moving as well.  I was running so fast that I had to make sure that I didn't get hit at all.  I noticed (Y/n) was looking at me before she sticks out her hand towards me.  I grab (Y/n)'s hand before (Y/n) starts to pull me away from the spike floors.

(Y/n) looks at me before she asks me, "Are you okay?" (Y/n) asks me.  I just nod my head at (Y/n) before telling her, "I'm okay. Thanks for that." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) just smiles at me before she tells me, "You're welcome. You save me, so I save you back." (Y/n) said to me.  I just smiled at (Y/n) before we were walking towards the grate before we got on the little platform before the platform starts to move up by itself.  We were waiting until the platform was finish.  Once the platform was done from moving up.  We got off the platform before we started walking downstairs before we were running straight before we were back outside again.

But there were demons in here, so me and (Y/n) got ready with our weapons out.  But there was only one demon that was walking towards to me, while two demons were cornering (Y/n).  I was able to lay a clean slash at the demon before I start killing the demon with my sword before going into my Devil Trigger before I jump up in the air before shooting some attacks at the demons that were cornering (Y/n) before the demons were dead.  I got down before getting out of my Devil Trigger before (Y/n) was putting her dagger away before she tells me, "Thanks, Dante." (Y/n) said to me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "Anytime, babe." I said to (Y/n).

(Y/n) just blush at that before I pick (Y/n) up in bridal style before I start to jump all the way down to get us down to the cave.  We were looking around the room before we saw a gate there before I was walking towards the gate before we saw the gate being lifted up.  So, we start walking towards the room.

(Y/n)'s POV

Dante puts me down because there were puppet demons in here, so we start fighting the puppet demons.  But it was a good thing that we were able to defeat them because dealing with too many demons will get boring after a while.  We start running upstairs to look around the room before walking a bit until we saw doors before me and Dante start to unseal the doors.  We open the doors to take us to where we need to go.

The Journey Continues: Devil May Cry 1 (Dante x reader) Book 2: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now