Ch #18 (Resurgence)

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I stood there dumbfounded. My uncle wanted to challenge me on a mountain in a week's time. Suspicion clouded my mind.
"What in the world is he planning father," I said to Yaldrat. He was transfixed on me. "What is it?"
"He doesn't want to face you," Yaldrat said, sheathing his sword.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The blood moon is tonight and you must be too fresh to sense it," he murmured. "Sense what?" I pressed.
"The lunar eclipse," he said. "They follow blood moons and Garrot has challenged you on the night of a lunar eclipse. During that time, if you haven't fed, you'll be very weak. Near death. I, having taken in dark elf blood, no longer need to feed. Garrot knows all you have with you are your friends. He's hedging his bets, thinking you won't feed before then because your friends are your only companions. Speaking of which, who are you traveling with?"
I had to think for a moment.
"Well first I met Hermis of the black blood, who saved me from the galfing in its swamp. Then a goblin named Alsford. After that I met Vas, I believe she's an elf of some sorts, and her unicorn Penelope. Shortly after meeting them, the yellow mage Faluq joined us."
"And would you feed on any of them?" Yaldrat asked. "No of course not!" I said emphatically.
"Then without a doubt you are my son, but your chances of survival are slim," he said. "You won't be facing a mere mortal. You'll be facing a high dark elf."
Yaldrat turned away from me and began to explain. "Long ago, the twisted elf Chalister made a deal with the high necromancer in pursuit of power. He offered his family's blood in exchange for the powers of the night kin. It corrupted his lineage. All of his family were turned to dark elves, and began savagely attacking anyone who crossed them, always at night. The night kin, wanting to make peace with man, attempted to stop the dark elves, but the deal Chalister entered into with the necromancer made them impossible to feed upon."
"Garrot is your brother, how is he a dark elf?" I asked.
"The type of magic my brother uses can only come through a contract with a powerful necromancer. Garrot has wielded the magical prowess of the dark elves since we were children. Even at the age of four, he could swallow all the light in a room. At the age of five, he was strong enough to brainwash our entire kingdom and trap me in this castle. I can only imagine that his magic has become something of nightmares."

"We need to attack him now, before the lunar eclipse," I said.
"No," Yaldrat said firmly, "he'd kill everyone in the kingdom. Though I've never been their king, they are my subjects and I will protect them. You too will one day have to learn this lesson. A wise king never strikes directly after the message is sent. What we need to do is to converge with your traveling mates."
I bickered back for a bit but eventually agreed. It was a short walk to the Hollow Point Inn. When we approached, Alsford came running out cheering, "Oh Mr. Dystain has returned.... and with company...."
Looking up at Yaldrat the goblin sniffed, "He smells of decay."
"Well when rotting is what you've been doing for thirty years you tend to carry that aroma," said Yaldrat. "So I take it this is the goblin you spoke of?" he asked me.
"Yes sir, Alsford is the last of his kind," the goblin replied.
"I'd agree with you my friend, but in truth you never know if you might have a son," Yaldrat said pointing at me.
Hermis and Vas came running out brandishing their swords.
"What the hell is that?" yelled Hermis. "Its magical presence is oppressive, like it's not alive, but its magic is."
"That's not my magic, it's fear you're feeling," Yaldrat called out. "You don't know what I am so you're frightened. It's common for your kind."
"I ain't scared of nothin and don't talk about me like ya know me," snarled Hermis. "I don't know what you are?" Yaldrat said, not moving a muscle.
Hermis charged at Yaldrat, swinging his blade across his shoulders, obviously going for a decapitation. A burst of dust was thrown up, there was a clang, and Hermis's voice rang out. When the dust settled both men stood face to face, Hermis with sword in hand, Yaldrat holding the blade back with just his finger nail.
"A fine silver blade, Hermis of the black blood," Yaldrat smirked. "I'd be careful with that, immortal, it's known to kill your kind."
"How'd ya know I'm immortal?" asked Hermis.
"Because the entire time you spouted your threats, your heart didn't beat once," said Yaldrat with a sight smile. "I apologize I should have introduced myself. I am Yaldrat, father to the one you know as Dystain."
Faluq arrived just in time to hear this, saying, "You both smell of something foul."
"Garrot attacked us outside my castle," Yaldrat told him. "He wants to face Gelfed on Galeshi's Peak in one week."

"But what about the blood moon?" asked Vas.
"Never mind that, if Gelfed doesn't feed he'll never even face Garrot," said Yaldrat.
"Well I guess we'd better find a sheep or somethin'," Hermis said.
Yaldrat turned to Faluq. "Wizard you've studied my kind. Tell me, can an immortal be turned?"
"No, his body would get rid of the infection, seeing it as a toxin," replied Faluq. Yaldrat smiled. "Then I don't believe a sheep will be necessary."

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