Chapter Twenty-Three

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     The next day, his leg felt much better and didn't slouch awkwardly beside his body. He could step on it too, but only for a while before giving out. Time ticked on and Sootpaw grew more worried about Featherfoot and her kits. He wouldn't let them die.

     Night time had come and his hosts were snuggled up in their beds, ready for a good nights sleep. Sootpaw would have to leave soon, or miss the opportunity. He sneaked silently into the night, ignoring the stabbing pain in his hind leg and forced himself to go on. He would have to cross the river eventually to get to MoonClan territory, but that could wait. For now, he just needed to get away from the beach. He headed for the forest where the trees made him feel safe. He was beneath the treetops before he realized he was being followed. He stopped to rest beneath an oak tree and prepared to be pulled back to the ocean. The cat following him was Thorn.

     The tom strayed from behind the bush he was hiding behind and stepped into the moonlight. Sootpaw breathed a sigh of relief. Surely his friend wouldn't sell him out? Thorn sheepishly looked behind him before approaching the MoonClan apprentice.

     "What are you doing? Are you going back home? Can I come too?"

     Sootpaw rolled his eyes.

     "A clan is no place for kittypet or loners."

     He didn't forget about his birth and his lack of clan blood, but what if Clawstar refused to let him stay? He would have to send Thorn away and he wasn't prepared for that.

     Thorn's head hung for a second but bounced up excitedly.

     "Maybe your leader will let me stay if I take you home safe. Surely he would be grateful?"

     Sootpaw murmured something under his breath but Thorn ignored his attempts at making him stay. Sootpaw for back to his paws and limped behind Thorn.

     "We need to stay ahead of any searching parties. Come on, follow me."

     He led the way through the forest, staying close to the river as a guide. The stream seemed to run straight through the earth and never stopped. He knew the other end must've ended at another ocean, but there was no way of knowing.

     Thorn bounded happily in front of the limping tom, and stopped every few fox lengths for Sootpaw to catch up. This went on for a while, before Sootpaw's body hurt from the walking. He was short of breath and his leg was starting to buckle. He looked around for shelter and saw a hole low in the trunk of a cedar tree. He motioned Thorn over with a flick of his tail and dragged himself over to the opening. He sniffed the inside, and sensing no danger, crawled inside making room for his friend. Thorn reminded him of Nightwatcher, the long legs and bright attitude. It was like they were related. Thorn was about the same age as Sootpaw, maybe a couple of moons older, but young enough to still be an apprentice. Thorn kept his head outside of the tree, keep in watch as Sootpaw slept. He would take the next watch.

     Thorn prodded Sootpaw's shoulder. Is it my turn to keep watch already? Dawn sunlight filtered through tiny holes in the tree bark, and Sootpaw looked out at the sun. Thorn had watched all night. He still had that little flame in his eyes though. He jumped out of the makeshift den and stretched his legs. Sootpaw did the same, keeping an eye on his injured leg. It would be healed already if he had stayed in bed. He could smell other cats, which meant they were getting close to somecat's territory.

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