Chapter 1: The Phone Call

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Hey! Its Author-Trash here! Welcome! Just wanted to let you know that this is mostly 3rd person POV but more focused on Lance's side!

It was a quiet day. No birds chirping like they usually do. No breeze rustling the leaves  on the branches of the trees. No neighborly sounds. Quite and peaceful.

Lance woke up around eight in the morning. Made some breakfast and got dressed into some casual clothing. It was now eleven o'clock. He looked at his phone contemplating on whether he should look through the notifications or not. Before he could even think to ignore his phone, he heard the ringtone of someone calling.

He went over to his phone and picked it up, reading the name of the caller. "Keith Kogane.." Lance said outloud. "Wonder why he's calling." Lance accepted the call and put the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" Lance asked through the phone. A few seconds went by before Keith finally answered back. "Hey.."

"What's up, Keith?" Lance had absolutely no idea why Keith, of all people, would want to call him. Lance hadn't heard from either of the retired paladins of Voltron. They all had their own lives now. He'd occasionally get birthday invites from Hunk, but he always declined because of work.

"I uh..just wanted to check up on everyone." Keith said to Lance. Lance looked over at the framed photos on his desk. They were photos of the team and his family. "Well that's new." Lance had said this in the nicest way possible. "I..I know it's been a while. I've been so busy with the Blade..I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner." Lance heard Keith sigh softly.

"Its alright. If anything, I'm just glad you called on my day off of work." Lance smiled as he said this. It was true, but he secretly could care less. If he had to postpone work for a phone call from Keith, he would. " how have you been lately?" Lance knew that Keith was talking about how he'd been after Allura had vanished in the white light. Lance looked over at the photo of him and Allura together. He sighed and finally spoke.

"I have my good and bad days..." Lance frowned and then there was silence for a moment. He spoke again. "I really miss her." He sat down on a chair, trying to relax. "I miss her too..but what she did..saved us all. She's a hero." Lance smiled at Keith's words. "Yeah..she is."

After a little while of them catching up, Keith finally said goodbye and ended the call. Lance figured Keith would talk to Shiro, if he hadn't already. He knew they were both really close. Lance looked around and sighed knowing he would have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Then he realized. He had been rude not calling Hunk or Pidge or anyone of his old friends when he'd gotten the chance.

So he decided that he was going to text Hunk that he was coming over. He picked up his phone again and went to his contact list on his phone. Skimming through the caller IDs, searching for Hunk Garret. He finally found Hunk's name and tapped on his phone to open the message page. He texted "Hey, I'm coming over to your house. Hope you don't mind." He immediately got a reply. "That's okay! I'll be waiting!"

Lance smiled and quickly grabbed his keys. He walked out of his house, closing the door, and locking it. He went over to his car, unlocked it, and sat down on the driver's seat. Lance closed the door, put his seatbelt on, checked his mirrors, and put the key in the slot to turn the car on.

He couldn't wait to see his friend. He smiled at the thought of hugging Hunk. He missed the good times he had with him. Lance backed out of his driveway and drove to Hunk's house. It took him 10 minutes to get there and to him, it was the longest 10 minutes of singing Shakira that he ever had. He was finally there. He put his car in park and took the key out of the slot. He breathed in slowly through his nose, and breathed out though his mouth. "Its time." He said outloud to himself.
Author-Trash here! Sorry this was a little short but expect that for my chapters heh..

I hope you liked this chapter! I'll be working on the second one soon!

Author-Trash out!

Words: 764

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