Chapter 3: The Cafe

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A/N: Hhhhh yeah so update schedule is extremely irrelevant and the motivation I have is close to 0

It was the next day and Lance hadn't slept at all. He stayed up thinking about Keith and questioning if he had liked the mullet man. After a long thought process, it had just turned 12 PM. That gave Lance 40 minutes to get ready and leave since it took a little under 10 minutes to get to the cafe. Lance changed into his normal wear of blue jeans, a white shirt with long blue sleeves, and his favorite jacket. He grabbed his shoes and socks and put them on as well. He brushed his hair and hoped he didn't have a bad hair day. Luckily, his hair was cooperating with the brush, so he didn't need to worry. Now it was time to go to the cafe.

He left at 12:47 PM and arrived around 12:56 PM. He parked his car next to Hunk's car and walked into the cafe. He looked around, searching for the group. He saw Hunk and walked over to him, seeing Pidge, Matt, and Shiro as well. "Hey Lance! Long time no see!" Pidge said before taking a sip of her drink. "Hi Pidge." Lance said with a smile following shortly after. "Hi Lance." Shiro said and waved at Lance with his robotic arm. Lance waved back and sat down next to Hunk. Matt wasn't paying attention to the conversation and was instead on his phone.

"Whatcha doing Matt?" Lance asked with his right eyebrow lifted up. Matt looked up frightened a bit, but went to a calmer facial expression and then smiled. "I'm working on another game!" Matt said and Pidge elbowed him on the side, resulting with him dropping his phone on the floor and yelping. "Hey! What was that for?!" Lance giggled a bit and then looked over at the clock hanging on the wall. He deciphered the lines and knew it was now 1:02 PM. Keith was now 2 minutes late. Then Lance looked over at the entrance and there Keith was.

They both made eye contact for a few seconds, but that was broken when Shiro got up and hugged Keith tightly. Lance guessed that maybe they really haven't seen each other just like the others. When they pulled away they had a little conversation before they made their way back to the circle table. Keith sat in between Shiro and Lance. Hunk was on the left of Lance and to the right of Pidge. Matt was in between Pidge and Shiro. "Hi." Keith said as he looked at Lance's ocean blue eyes. Lance smiled softly before saying "Hi." in return. Pidge whispered something to Matt and they both giggled mischievously. Lance looked at them concerned and confused, but let it go.

The waitress came over to take Lance and Keith's orders since they were the only ones who didn't order yet. After they ordered, Shiro spoke up. "I have noticed that we all haven't been talking a lot recently. It's quite saddening, but I know we all have our own lives." Shiro looked over to Keith and they both nodded their heads. Then Keith spoke. "Shiro and I came up with an idea to help us bond more. Now, just a heads up, you are not forced to do anything. You can decline the offer if you wish to." They all nodded their heads, showing that they understood.

Keith spoke up again. "We came up with the idea to go on a little road trip to a cabin near the beach. It has enough rooms for all of us and 3 bathrooms. It has a sauna as well as-" Pidge interrupted Keith saying, "Does it have WiFi and service?" Keith nodded his head and both Pidge and Matt fist bumped and said, "Yes!" quietly. Lance rolled his eyes playfully and smiled at the two. Then Shiro spoke. "This takes place in 3 days, so you all have 2 days to decide if you want to go or not. It's no rush really. Take your time." Everyone, besides Shiro, Keith, and Lance, spoke up immediately. "I'm going!" They all said. Then everyone looked at Lance for a response.

Lance felt them staring into his soul and he spoke up nervously. "Uh...y-yeah..I'll go." Pidge and Matt said, "Yes!" in unison and Hunk patted Lance's back softly. Keith smiled a tiny bit at Lance before looking away. Lance didn't notice the smile since he was focused on Hunk's conversation with him. Shiro noticed though and he eyed Keith for a moment, then looked at Lance, and back at Keith. "Hey can I talk to you in private." Shiro said to Keith in a quite tone to where only Keith could hear him. "Yeah sure." Keith responded and they both walked outside.

No one noticed they had left until they sat back down. "Wait where did you two go?" Matt asked confused and Shiro shook his head from side to side. "Unimportant." Keith was a blushing mess, but no one noticed except for him and Shiro. Shiro smirked at Keith and then took a gulp of water from his water bottle. Lance was talking to Matt about the new video game Pidge and Matt released. Hunk was talking to Pidge about new recipes as well as new advancements in technology. Keith was quietly checking his phone notifications and sipping from his drink. Shiro was also on his phone as well and decided to text Keith.

Shiro: When are you going to make a move? ;)

Keith looked at the phone notification and clicked it. He read what Shiro texted and blushed a little. He looked over at Shiro giving him a 'seriously?' look. Shiro laughed quietly. Keith rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Keith: shut up >:(

Shiro: Fine then, but don't come crying to me when you realize it's too late.

Keith: wdym "too late"

Shiro: I have a feeling you're never going to make a move and by the time you try, Lance will have someone already.

Keith: ...

Shiro: There's nothing to be afraid of. If he rejects you atleast you'll have some relief off your chest.

Keith: fine but when should I tell him..

Shiro: Maybe at the cabin?

Keith: ...good idea

They both turned their phones off and set them aside. It was now almost 2:30 PM and everyone was ready to go back to their homes. They all had a big group hug and said goodbye. When Lance caught Keith's gaze at him, he blushed a bit but it wasn't noticeable. Keith also blushed unnoticeably and looked away, knowing he had been caught. Lance raised his brow in confusion of Keith suddenly looking away, but let it go. He got in his car and drove off. Lance got home and opened the calendar app on his phone. He saw that he would have to call his boss and tell him that he would be taking a little vacation.

He was scared really. His boss was scary when angered. Scarier than Iverson when angered and that's pretty scary! Lance looked through his contacts and called his boss. He was not looking forward to the conversation, but he knew he had to. He wanted to spend some more time with his friends. He wanted to spend more time with..Keith. Yeah that's right. Lance wanted more time with Keith. And no one could break that want. No one but Keith himself.

Author-Trash here! This chapter was actually longer than expected! Surprisingly.

But I hope you enjoy this book so far..

It's not my favorite book out of the others but it's also not completed yet so I cant really talk..heh..anyways cya!
Words: 1300

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