Chapter 8: Day 2

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A/N: Back by unpopular demand...

The next day everyone decided to do their own thing. Pidge, Matt, and Lance were working on the new game. Hunk was in the sauna room with Shiro. Keith was in the gym, working out. After a few hours, Lance was condemned from the game group and decided to go to the gym. He walked in and immediately locked eyes with Keith. Keith smiled and waved his hand at Lance to come to him. Lance smiled and walked over to him. "Hey, Lance." Keith patted the sweat on his forehead with his towel and drank his water.

"Hi, Keith." Lance stood there awkwardly before Keith asked him a question. "What's your routine?" Lance looked at Keith's eyes before replying. "I usually stretch for a good five to six minutes, do some quick exercises like pushups and pullups, and do some bench presses. I don't really have a routine though to be honest. Haha." Lance awkwardly smiles and rubs the back of his neck. Keith nods and then speaks up. "I dont really have a routine either..I just do whatever I think is neccessary."

(A/N: Makes sense haha)

Lance nods and does some quick stretches for about 5 minutes before going into a pushup position. Lance starts with a slow pushup before accelerating his speed. Then he does a few one-handed pushups. Keith is watching him in awe, but Lance doesn't notice. Then Lance goes over to the pullup bar and jumps up in the air a few times before doing some pullups. Keith is still watching him, noticing how focused Lance is. Keith continues to do his bench presses.

At this point Keith should've been done by now, but he waited for Lance to finish, so he continued to exercise. He knew he was going to feel the pain tomorrow, but he didn't care. Lance finished his pullups and went over to Keith. Lance grabbed some weights for the bench press and put them on the bar. Keith watched to see the amount Lance puts on. He stared in shock to see that Lance had put 35 pounds on each side. That's 115 pounds in total including the bar that weighed 45 pounds. Lance showed no struggle in lifting the bar up with the weights.

Keith had only put 25 pounds on each side to equal 95 pounds. He didn't struggle with it, but he never wanted to raise the amount. He knew that if he did, he wouldn't be able to lift it up. After their benching, Lance grabbed his own water and towel. He patted his sweat with the towel before drinking from his water bottle. He was exhausted. Keith was miserable and worse than fatigued in his opinion. He wanted to take a quick shower and immediately sleep off the day.

Lance and Keith both walked to the group's cabin and went their separate ways into their own rooms. Lance had gotten his shower supplies out of his suitcase and set them in the shower. He then grabbed a towel from the small closet and put it outside his shower on the bathroom sink area. He grabbed clothes and his phone. He grabbed his phone for some music because he could never imagine showering without Shakira or Beyonce playing. He played his playlist and set his phone down. He took his clothes off and hopped into the shower.

After Keith and Lance had their showers and got dressed, they both brushed their teeth and headed to their comfortable beds. They both drifted off into a peaceful sleep. The others carrying on with their day. Hunk had left the sauna and was in the kitchen baking and cooking away. Shiro had also left and decided to sleep as well. Pidge and Matt were still working on the game, eating some snacks while they worked. All of them were having a great time on their vacation. But that was all going to change. Sooner or later something was bound to happen. 

Just you wait

Hehe cliffhangers are the WORST!
Anyways hope yall like this piece of trash..
Words: 690

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