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Lockdown health blog

I know all of us are sitting at home, bored right now, scrolling through our phone most of the time. We are all waiting for this COVID-19 to get away, but I think we should also look at the positive side of this, we get so much time to finally focus on ourselves!

I know you must be thinking- 'oh no another preacher to tell us to think positively'.

I know these are hard times but I'm gonna give you guys some small tips to stay safe and healthy. These are very minor tips that most of us know, yet it is good to have a reminder!

So, here we go!

1. Try to get some fresh air

I know we are not allowed to go out, but if you live in villas or small apartments, you will be having terraces where you can go with masks on. And if you live in huge apartments, there will be terraces, but that would be a risk as many people would be going there.

Getting a bit of fresh air is really needed as we are sitting in our house 24/7 and that is not very good for both mental and physical health.

Getting some fresh air not only freshens our mind but also gives us an energy boost.

2. Exercise and try to keep fit

I know some of y'all are really fit, but others feel like they are not. Like you guys don't worry you have some time right now to get a fit body ready. I know some of your parents might be forcing you, some people are under peer pressure and some people just are very body-conscious. You can try playing your favourite music and exercising.

Now, what about the ones who want to, but don't feel like? You guys don't need to worry- don't stop eating or something, instead, try Emi Wong Tutorials from YouTube. They really help, trust me!

3. Wash your eyes

I know everyone is having online school, work etc. All this is extra stress for the eyes. Try to wash your eyes every hour with slightly cold water. It helps your eyes relax.

4. Keep in touch

Keep in touch with your friends and family. Call all those friends you had in 3rd or 4th grade but had to leave them since you switched schools, or your colleague when you switched offices. This helps you feel wanted and loved, and not lonely.

5. Drink a lot of water

It keeps you hydrated. You can also eat watermelons as they have high water quantity in them. Try to eat foods which already have vitamins in them, or eat vitamin tablets as it increases your immunity, and keeps you safe from deadly viruses.

6. Back to hobbies

Remember the time you used to paint, draw, dance or sing? You don't anymore? Then try it again today! Take some time off and refresh your memories and give yourself a break from all your work.

Now some of you are gonna be like "I'm no good at any extracurriculars!" Then you can learn a new language or write a story, poem or even a blog!

Or if you're too lazy to do that then you can just open your old albums and refresh your memories.

So, I'm not gonna take any more of your time, just keep smiling.

Stay safe and healthy, loves!

By- sugar_sweet_kisses

By- sugar_sweet_kisses

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