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🐾The Purrfect Care📚


Welcome to the pawsome third blog of the Let’sShare Blog Book! How’re you feline today? A perfect day for some mice-cream, isn’t it? Also, if you want some too, head over to my place, I’ll save you some. I must say, I’m rather purr-suative.

Damn, those are some Hiss-Sterical jokes up there right?
Alright, I’ll stop.

But if you have guessed it right, the topic of this blog is- CATS! Purrfect, right?

Coming from someone who has had pets ever since birth, it becomes kind of hard to live without them.  Some people prefer to have birds, some dogs, some cats, some exotic beasts which are rather hard to take in without special improvements done to your home (not tryna judge...if you have money then go for it!😋).

Though I’m not a huge fan of dogs or any other animal similar to it, I have had a bird and a cat growing up. Though I absolutely adore birds, I’m going to focus this blog on cats specifically.

Cats can be hard to deal with, especially considering the fact that cats are not as social as dogs are; Which is perhaps one of the main reason why dogs are preferred over them but in this blog, I’ll give you some tips to make your cat like you, respect you, and be friendly with you (though I can’t give you tips to stop it from hurting and biting your friends sweat_smilesweat_smile.) I’ll be dividing this into 2 parts: 1.Tips for cat owners and 2. Tips for future-cat owners.
If you’re about to get a cat, then this is the blog for you.


1. Let them leave the house alone.

Cats are predatory animals. They need an ample amount of time alone to practice their predatory habits. I’ve met plenty of cat owners who don’t do this- like, I get why but that is not healthy for them. Cats need outside air a lot. A lot more than dogs (which might sound surprising, but that’s true.) Your cat needs to go out to see other cats and animals too. In case you’re afraid they’ll mate, get them nurtured, but let them go out. It’ll be beneficial for both you and them.

2. Don’t stick too much with them.
Ever wondered why you’re cat doesn’t come near you naturally? Let alone come to see you? Have you ever been at the position where you’re not even sure if your cat is going to shit on your face? Wellllllll........it’s because you don’t give them enough time alone. You most probably like to grab your cat a lot, touch it a bit too much, which is annoying them so much that they don’t want to go near you because they’re dead tired of you. How to prevent it? Well, give them space! Believe me, your cat will automatically come to you if you excuse it some personal time.
If your cat still treats you like a nobody, it’s probably because you’re cat is feral. What does that mean? It means it’s an unfriendly version of a normal cat who will never learn how to socialize properly. It will show affection in some ways, other ways which aren’t necessarily physical.

3. Play with them
Cats need plenty of Positive attention, which can very well help them cope with other changes in their life and be better friends with you and others of your family. I would advise spending at least 20 minutes playing with them, and use things such as cat toys. Cap toys are available in a variety of different materials- such as fishing rods, corks d thousands of others which all can fit into the lowest of budgets. I would say you should probably buy something which will sharpen the physical mental and other aspects of their life.

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