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An Informative Article

On the 11th September, 2001. A total of 4 planes were hijacked by terrorists. 2 hit the World Trade Centre, 1 Hit the Pentagon and 1 crash landed.


2– World Trade Centre

– The Pentagon
1– U.S Capitol

NUMBERS OF DEATHS: 2,996 (2,977+ 19 Al-Qaeda Terrorists)
INJURIES: 25,000


Four passenger airliners were hijacked by 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists
2 of the Planes (America Airlines Flight 11 & United Airlines Flight 175) crashed into the North and South towers of The World Trade Centre complex in lower Manhattan and in an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-Story towers collapsed because of the hot fuel melting the steel beams of the towers.

The Third Plane (American Airlines Flight 77) crashed into The Pentagon (The headquarters of The US Department of Defence)

The Fourth (United Airlines Flight 93) was going to hit The Capitol Building in Washington, DC. But it crashed into a field when passengers tried to stop the hijackers.

Suspicions quickly fell towards Al-Qaeda. The US responded by launching “The war on terror” and invading Afghanistan.


Many countries have strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded powers of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to prevent terrorist attacks. Even though Bin Laden initially denied any involvement in these attacks in 2004, he claimed responsibility for the attacks. After evading Capture for almost a decade, Bin Laden was located and killed in Pakistan in 2011.

Cleanup of the World Trade Centre was completed in May 2002. And the construction of The One World Trade Centre began in November 2006 and the building opened in Nov. 2014. Lots of Memorials were constructed including the National September 11 Memorial and Museum in New York City.

The One World Trade Centre is significantly stronger and safer than the two involved in the Sept 11 attacks and something like this happening again is highly unlikely.

The One World Trade Centre is significantly stronger and safer than the two involved in the Sept 11 attacks and something like this happening again is highly unlikely

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