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Kagami's POV:

"Finally finnished training", I said while packing up my boken. Once I was finnished, I headed to my car when I've recieved a message from Marinette.

Text conversation:

[Kagami, you need to believe me and Adrien, Lila is going to get rid of you, me and Chloe. We don't know how she's going to do it, worst of all, we don't know how to stop her, she is rely good at lying and acting, please help us defeat her, please 😣.]

[Mari, its ok, I believe you, all I know is that she likes Adrien and that she gets what she wants, I'll help as much as I can]

[Thank you so much Kagami]

[Np Mari]

I can't believe Lila's going to get Adrien far from my reach. I can't stand her.

Chloe's POV:

I was trying on new make up when I suddenly got a call from Adrien. I was wondering at first why he would call me, he never does, but at the same time he probably misses me, so preceeded to pick up.


"Hey Chloe, please listen to me, Lila is going to get rid of you, Kagami and Marinette to get close to me, so really need your help to get rid of her, can you help?"

"EXCUSE ME!! That LIE-la girl is trying to get to my Adrikins, hell no, I'll do anything"

"Wait really, wow so you're willing to help Mari and Kagami as well as me"

"Well, fine, but once that Lila girl is gone then me, Kagami and Marinette are going back to enemies"

"Thanks Chloe, I knew you would listen"

"Of course, anything for you Adrikins"

I'm so pissed at Lila, how dare she tries and keep Adrikins away from me, but if it means working with Marinette and Kagami, then its worth it.

(Next day at school)

Lila's POV:

I walked up the steps, and went to the locker room to plan my first move on Chloe. Since the only two friends she has is Adrien and Sabrina, its going to be easy, and I want to save the best for last, Marinette.

I looked around for sabrina, untill she bumped into me by chance.

"Hey Sabrina", I greeted.

"Hi Lila", she replied.

I notice fhe badge she always wears, its a rose-gold flower, with diamonds on the leafs, and underneath it says "bff". It probably was given to her by Chole, PERFECT!

I reached a hand to look at it better,

"Wow, what a lovely badge Sabrina", i say,

"Thanks, Chloe gave it to me",

"Its really nice, do you have any other badges from your other friends?"

"Well, she's the only friend I have, since Chloe forbidden me to have friends", (even more perfect)

"Its ok , I can be ypur new friend"

"Thank you Lila", then she have me a big hug, which gave me an oppitunity to slip the badge into my pocket.

"Sorry, I have to go", I said, and walked away, that was so easy.

Marinette's POV:

After waiting for a while at the front of the school, Adrien, Kagami and Chloe finally arrived.

"Guys over here", I shouted, once they saw me they preceeded to walk up to me.

"So like, what's the plan Marinette, Lila is probably already setted her first trap", Chloe demanded.

"I don't know yet, but i think she might do me last, because everyone loves me, so she's probably going to save the best for last", i explained.

"EXCUSE ME! What about me? She should save ME for last",

"Chloe, its much better if we stop her then being save for last"

"Guys, you're reallt not helping, but Marinette is probably right, I think she went for either me or Chloe first, since we don't have that much friends", once Kagami finnished, Sabrina rushed up to Chloe.

"What is this note Chloe, you don't want to be friends with me anymore, you are really mean!", she yelled.

"Wait Sabrina, I don't know what you mean-", before Chloe could even finnish, Sabrina threw the note at her face and rushed off crying. Everyone in the background is whispering, and even gave some death glares to her.

I picked up the note and notice that she dropped the pieces of the badge Chloe gave her.

"Sabrina, ypu are the worst friend ever, I don't want to see you anymore, sorry not sorry", I read out, Lila has already gotten to Chloe, that was fast.

Just thinking about it, she is going to go after either Kagami or me next. All of a sudden, I've gotten an idea.

"Guys, I have an idea".

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