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Haha, sorry if I'm being a total idiot right now,( and selfish becasue this will kind of be a self promo) but I accidentally deleted the new update piece and had to write it all over again.

I'm dumb, but at least my english is improving, which means better stories.

I'm currently writing a new story called "The Black Cat and Ladybug", and even released the first part.

I'll keep updating the story in my free time but right now I have to work on projects for highschool.

I'm not going to type out what its about because I already done this but stupid me deleted it by accident.

Also, I might be doing another story on my favourite ship, but I'll get back to it in the future, just focus on one piece of shit at the time. (But then again all my stories are a piece of shit).

As for me Kitty (my real name), wanted to say thank you for reading my story "Behind The Truth". It wasn't the best quality work as most parts were rushed and me trying to get it done asap. Everyday, I get more veiws and it fixes my broken heart (from Marichat and Ladrien scenes) knowing that people love my fanfiction. I even saw some my story on some of your reading lists, my god am I honored.

Its not much to say as I probably said what I needed to say the most in the intro of my new story, but I just want to say thank you, thnak you, thank you, thank you so much for reading my story(ies). And have a lovely day/night. Don't let the people judge you for watxhing miraculouses too!

           Love: Kitty (SmortKitty_stories)

(Yes I did republished this shit again because spelling mistakes)

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