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Lila's POV:

Its time to get started on Marinette, last time my plan didn't work because of Adrien. But I have a better plan. I'm going to make sure that she is finnished for good, and that Adrien is going to turn against her. But if it means breaking my fox pendant, than its worth it.

I head to Marinette's locker after breaking my pendant, and not only that, I bought a scarf that looks just like Adrien's, the one he got from his father on his birthday, and ripped it apart, also putting it in her locker. Good thing I memorised the code to her locker.

After that is all done, I headed to the princable's office to tell him everything, he did not looked pleased once he heard everything, and preceeded to call Marinette on the annocement.

Marinette's POV:

I hear the princable's annocement, so I catwalked to the lockers where he said to meet him. When I saw Lila, I gave the biggest smirk I ever did.

"Ms. Dupain-cheng, please explain yourself", Mr. Demecles ( I dont know how to spell his name) said, handing me over the pendant and scarf.

I looked around to see if Adrien, Chloe and Kagami were in their places, and began the last part of the plan.

"But first, I would love to explain what happen this morning with Chloe and Sabrina", I told him.

"That's not what I-",

"Lila stole Sabrina's badge, broke it and left it in her locker along with a note signed by Chloe", I explained.

"That's not true, I-", Lila said.

Then Chloe came out with the finger prints from the badge, the only two finger prints that were there was Sabrina and Lila's finger prints.

"If Chloe was the one who broke it, then explain why her finger prints are not on the badge, just Sabrina's and yours?", I smirked at Lila.

Then I turned to Sabrina, who was shocked by the evidence.

"Sabrina, did you encountered  Lila today?", I asked.

"Yeah, I did and-", she paused for a moment.

"After she walked away, a few minutes later I noticed it was gone, and I didn't talk to Chloe untill I went to confront her about the badge, so ot was Lila".

Everyone was shocked, they usually see her as a kind girl, but this is next level.

I turned to Kagami next, as she was the next victim to be proven innocent.

"Earlier today as well, Lila showed me a fake conversation of Kagami talking bad about us, but it was all made up", I jumped to conclusions.

"But it is true-", before Lila said any other word, she was shushed by the princable.

I let Kagami have a turn speaking this time.

Kagami's POV:

I walked up towards the princable with Chloe, while Marinette goes over to Alya and bring her over too.

"If I was to talk to Lila, I would have her number right, but then Lila, explain why I don't have ypur number in my contacts", I said and showed her my list of contacts, it only has Mari's, Adrien's and my mum's number.

"Still don't believe me, Alya show the conversation you had with Lila on your phone", I demanded.

Alya was confused, but then showed the whole conversation. Everyone's jaw dropped to the ground, as Lila stood there trying to think of a lie to cover up everything.

"Still don't believe me, well then Chloe, show the recording", I oredered. Chloe played the whole thing from start to finnish. And from the moment it was all done, Marinette stood infront of us and said,

"Its my turn to prove my point now about the pendant and the scarf".

Mari's POV:

"First of all, I was no where near the lockers at all today, second if it was really Adrien's scarf, then explain why he's wearing it right now", I pointed to Adrien, who was wearing the scarf, we didn't know she was going to bring in the scarf into the plan, but luckily Adrien always have it in his bag, just in case its cold.

"And lastly, Mr Demecles, when Lila said that I broke her pendant and Adrien's scarf, what did she said exactly?",

"She was crying, saying that you broke it, then I said do you have proof, then she preceeded to bring me to your locker and showed it to me"

"First of all, how did you know it was exactly me, it could've been anyone that framed me, and secondly, how did you know it was exactly in my locker, it could have been kept anywhere?", I asked directly looking dead straight into her eyes.

Then, we all knew it, she was busted. She was trembling, and didn't know what to say.

"Lila, you are exspelled from framing Marinette, Kagami and Chloe, but just before you leave this school, I'm going to call your parents in, and asked them what have you been doing on the days you weren't in, I don't want to believe in your lies anymore", the princable said, and grabbed Lilaand dragged her to his office.

Lila looked down at me while she was going up the stairs, then I gave her the biggest smile ever. She was not having it.

(One month later)

It has been a month since Lila has been exspelled from school. Everyone said sorry for not believing me about her lies, but its going to take a while to gain their trust back, after they were manipilated by Lila.

As for me, Adrien, Kagami and Chloe, we have changed a lot. Kagami and Chloe are starting to get a long quite well, as for me and Adrien, we've gotten super close ever since, he even asked me out last week, well a friend date. And me and Chloe, were not enemies anymore, we've agreed to not be mean to each other if we have each others back.

Also, Adrien updated me about Lila, she is no longer able to see him, and is no longer working for his father. She even made an appearance on "the _ of the week", she was the loser of the week, as after her parents explained everything to Mr. Demecles, he exposed her true colors online, and now she's the most hated person in Paris'.

I know its a bit cruel, but she deserves it for being a liar. And that's how I put an end to Lie-la.

                       The end.

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