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Geo Zaragoza. A man, yes - despite being only a 17-year-old male - for me, he's already a man. Well, he still have those traits of a boy-he loves games, internet games, anime, manga, he also likes to tease people, especially me-well in my perspective.

He loves his family, cares for his siblings and is a devotee of God. He's everyone's dream man. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Too bad someone already got his heart, and its not me.

It's someone I respect, dearly, Raeza Santos. A singer, a beautiful maiden, the best friend you could ever have-according to one of my friend whose bestfriends with her-and a devotee of God, too.

I could say they're a very, very perfect match. They both have the same interest. They like each other, a lot. They make each other happy. And I can say, they're a match made in heaven.

Although knowing these somewhere in my heart there's a wishful thinking that maybe, maybe they're too perfect for each other that they won't end up as each other's end game. And that maybe I am Geo's endgame.

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