5^ All I See Is Tord

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It's dark. It's really dark. I can hardly see anything, but I run. Tord is right behind me. He's coming for me. He's going to catch me. Oh, fuck, he's going to catch me. I can't run, I can't hide. He's going to catch me. I cry out, but I can't hear myself. I keep running, tripping over things as I grow tired. I don't want to be raped. I don't want to die. I don't want Tord. I don't want Tord's hands to touch me. There's only one person I want to touch me. I want him to save me. I need him to save me. I need someone to protect me from Tord. I trip, crying out in pain, even though I don't feel anything. I turn around. Tord's there. His teeth glint in the low light as he smirks at me. I scream. I scream for him, the one person I want.
     I scream for Colin.
     My eyes fly open. My LED pulses red. Colin's LED blinks red, but it slowly colors yellow as he watches me wake up.
     "Oh, good. You're awake. Thank fuck, you're awake," he sighs in relief.
     I say nothing. All I can think about is Tord. All I see is Tord. All I hear is Tord.
     "Conrad...?" He studies me. His face is so close to mine, I can see little waves of blue in his eyes. "Conrad, are you ok? You were having a really intense nightmare. You were thrashing around and whimpering. Do you want to talk about it...?"
     I slightly shake. My bottom lip trembles. I'm scared. I'm scared of Tord. I'm scared of him finding me, hurting me, killing me. I'm scared of him hurting Colin. I'm scared of him hurting Connor, and Hank, and Conan, and Gavin.
     "Conrad, please talk to me... Please, say something." Colin holds my hands, removing his skin. "Why don't we interface? You can show me your nightmares." He smiles reassuringly. "I only want to help you."
     I feel almost frozen. I feel like I can't control my own body. I remove my skin, silently inviting him to interface with me. I can see his facial expression change into a hopeful one. I close my eyes, squeezing them shut as he slides his hand up my arm. When we're connected, I let everything loose, pouring every single thought, memory, and feeling into him. I finally let him in, showing him my every insecurity. My nightmares, my dreams, my fantasies, I show him everything.
     When I'm done, I pull away, shaking and tearing up. When Colin opens his eyes, I see the surprise in them. He knows everything, now. He knows how much I hate myself, and how much I love him. He knows all the thoughts I've had about him. He knows what he does to me. Colin also knows about everything Tord has done to me. He knows what I see in my nightmares, and he knows how terrified I am of Tord finding me. He. Knows. Everything. I've let him in. I'm vulnerable to him. I can only hope he still finds room in his heart for me. I can only hope he doesn't tear me apart from the inside, out.
     His whisper brings me to tears. I break down, coughing and sputtering as I force down tears. Eventually, I give up and just let myself cry.
     "Conrad! P-Please, don't cry...."
     "T-Tord... he's coming for me," I whine, wiping tears from my eyes. It's useless. Every tear I wipe away is replaced by four more.
     "Tord will not touch you, Conrad. You can be sure of that," he promises aggressively. "I'll kill him before he gets close to you."
     I grip his jacket and pull him closer. "Please..." I whisper. "Don't hate me."
     "Why would I hate you?" Colin asks with concern. "I don't hate you for anything. I would never hate you."
     "Please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I have feelings for you. I'm sorry, you probably don't even like me like that. Y-You're probably straight. You're not a fucking gay, like me." I look away.
     He cups my chin and makes me look at him. "Conrad... you're wrong." He smiles. "I am gay. And, I-"
     "I-I want to go home!" I interrupt, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I want to go home. Please, come home with me. Stay with me. Please, I need you."
     "I'll see if I can get Hank's permission, ok?" He pulls away. "I will be right back. Stay here." He stands and walks over to where Connor and Hank stand, staring at me. He talks to them, and Hank nods. I cover my face, heaving into my hands.
     "Conrad..." Colin gently takes my hands. "Let's go." I reach out for him, and he picks me up like the baby I am. I bury my face in his shoulder, slowly calming down at his touch.
It's going to be ok. I'll protect you with my life.
     His message flashes before my eyes. I allow myself a small smile, instantly feeling better. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck, careful not to choke him.
     We get in Hank's car and drive away. I sit on Colin's lap, still clinging to him. "Conrad..." he whispers quietly against my ear. I move my head a little to the side. "I love you, too." He kisses my cheek.
     It feels like my Thirium pump stops working for a second. His kiss is so small, yet so, so big at the same time. It means so much to me. I've never had anyone show affection to me like this. I whine softly, conveying my happiness to him. His hand slides up my shirt, rubbing my back. I close my eyes blissfully, overcome with happiness. All I've ever wanted is right here.
     We pull into Hank's driveway. Colin carries me inside. "Where do I go?" he asks.
     "Down the hall, straight ahead," I rasp quietly. "My room."
     He carries me to my room, opening and shutting the door behind him. Silently, he places me on my bed and kneels down. "Your stress levels are still considerably high. Too high stress for too long can lead to negative effects on your mind and body. Is there anything you would like me to do, so I can lower it?" he asks earnestly.
     I look down, then over to the left, before bringing my gaze back to his. He takes my hand and brings it to his face, kissing it softly. I melt. "Colin, do you want me? Do you want this?"
     He nods. "Of course, I want you. I want this."
     "But-But-!" I start crying again. I hate myself for that. "I d-don't understand how you c-can love me! I'm a mess! I'm a h-horrible person! I hate myself! How can you love me?!"
     "Hush, Conrad." He places a finger on my lips. "You're a beautiful mess. I've always admired how rash and abrasive you are. But, I know, you're afraid to get close, and I respect you for protecting your heart the way you do. I know, this is all your fear of being hurt. Don't be afraid of me hurting you. I'd rather die than ever think of hurting you. I want you to let me in. I want to be close to you." He brings his face closer to mine, wiping away my tears. "As long as you let me stay, I will stay." He presses his lips on mine, kissing me softly.
     I pull away, breathing heavily. "Colin..." I smash my lips against his again, kissing him desperately. Bliss fills me to the brim, to the point where I forget everything and just let myself have this moment. I push him into me. Small moans escape my lips as I open them and close them again. Colin nibbles on my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. I open my mouth, and his tongue jabs itself inside, exploring my mouth. I moan loudly, kissing him harder.
     He pulls away, and we both pant for air.
     "Yes, Conrad?"
     "I-I need a drink." I get up and leave the room, shutting the door behind me. My Thirium pump races away, and I try my best to calm myself. After that kiss? Fucking hell, I don't know how I can face him again.
     "Aahhh~! Hank~!" Connor moans from their room.
     I freeze. A blush slowly spreads across my face. I've never heard Connor moan like that before. Despite myself, I can feel my pants tightening around my dick. I feel sick. I shouldn't be getting boners over listening to the sounds of Connor and Hank making love, but I can't help it. I think of Colin and start touching myself. Fuck, what I wouldn't give to be moaning Colin's name while he fucks me senseless.
"Oh, Hank...!" he moans. "Hank, pleeeeeease~!" I narrow my eyes. Don't they care that we're here? Don't they care if we hear? Then, it hits me. Of course, they don't care. I'm usually gone at this time of night. They probably used to do this every night when I left. But, don't they remember that I'm not leaving, anymore? Then, I realize that, of course, they just don't give a shit. If they want to fuck, they're going to fuck, and I can't stop them. I could walk into their room, right now, and they probably wouldn't even notice.
"Haaaaank~!" Connor screams. It's almost traumatizing to hear your brother screaming someone's name while he's no doubt being fucked sideways. But, I can almost see it. My hand tightens around my throbbing cock, begging for attention. They really don't give two fucks. When you love someone that much, I guess, you just don't care what anyone thinks. I want to love someone like that. No, I want to love Colin like that.
"Fuck..." That's Hank. The sounds of their labored breathing can be heard audibly through the door. "Connor, sweetie, you're so fuckin tight~."
I can almost hear that in Colin's voice. I want him to tell me how tight I am. I mean, I'm still a virgin. I should be tight enough, right? "C-Colin..." I moan quietly. It's sounds so good coming out of my mouth, so I say it again. "Colin..!"
I jump as a hand covers my mouth. "Quiet." I instantly relax at the sound of Colin's voice. "You called?" My face heats up. "Let me help you with that," he whispers excitedly, removing my hand and replacing it with his. He gropes me, and I moan loudly.
After realizing what I just did, we both freeze. If Connor and Hank heard me, then they must not care, because they don't stop. Connor's desperate moans and cries for more can still be easily heard.
"Let's take this to the room." Colin pulls me away by my arm, and I let him. I'm so excited. I'm so fucking excited. This is what I've wanted, all along. Someone to be vulnerable with. Someone to go all the way with.
Anyone, besides Tord...
He picks me up and drops me on the bed, then crawls on top of me. We kiss passionately, pull away as Colin takes my shirt off, then resume kissing each other desperately. I hardly know what I'm doing, anymore. All I know is that I'm a needy son of a bitch, and I need Colin.
He pulls his shirt off, revealing the most perfect chest I've ever seen. I reach out my hand and touch it. Holy shit, it's hard. It's hard as fuck. If his dick is as hard as his six pack, then I'm in big fucking trouble. Doubt begins to seep into my mind. What if I'm so small, he can't fit it in? What if he doesn't love me anymore because of it?
"Conrad? You look troubled. Am I going too far?" he asks softly, genuinely concerned for me.
I shake my head. "No, it's not that. I just..." I briefly consider lying, but I quickly decide against it. Even if it makes me sound like a pussy, I should be honest with him. "What if it doesn't go in?"
"Are you saying you want me to fuck you?" he teases.
"Colin!" I whine, covering my face with my hands. "Fuck you!"
He laughs lightly, gently pulling my hands away from my face. "I'm sorry, Conrad, but I had to. But, if it doesn't fit, then there are still ways to pleasure you without having intercourse. Besides, we can get you trained to take me comfortably."
I nod slowly, too embarrassed to speak.
He unzips my pants and pulls them down, leaving me in nothing but underwear. This is as far as I've ever gotten with anyone. I shiver in excitement, unable to contain my twitches. "Are you sure about this?" he asks, searching for consent.
I look up at him, softening my gaze. "Yes. I'm sure about this. I want to go all the way with you, Colin. I-I want to be close to you. I... I love you..." I whisper, shrinking into the bed.
"I love you with my all of my being, Conrad." He smirks and pulls my underwear down, throwing them somewhere when he takes them off of me. I cover my face with my hands again, refusing to look at my sad excuse for a dick.
"I'm sorrrrrryyyyyyy," I whimper. "It's small, I know."
He laughs aloud. "Conrad, what the hell are you talking about?!"
I create a slit with my fingers that I peek out of. His face is flushed blue as he smiles.
"CyberLife was generous when they gave you this. It's 6.1 inches long, with a diameter of 5.3 inches. That's bigger than the average male penis."
"Sh-Shut up!" I snap in embarrassment. "Stop measuring my dick and.. and... and just do something with it!"
"Look at me," he demands. His voice isn't rough or threatening, like I'm used to. If anything, it's more patient and loving, but it makes me obey. I lower my hands and look at him. "Stop talking bad about yourself, Conrad. I will not tolerate it, anymore. I know, you're nervous and embarrassed, but so am I. Your dick is fine. It's more than enough. Now, stop talking down to yourself."
I nod. "O-Ok, Colin..."
"Good. Now, relax, ok? Let me please you." He leans down and licks my tip, teasing me. I twitch around, loving the attention. His tongue gently caresses my sensitive hard one while his hands work magic on my balls.
I almost can't breathe. "My s-sensitivity settings are w-way too high..." I moan. I arch my back in pleasure as he puts it in his warm mouth. "S-So good~!" I moan, sounding like Connor. I don't mind. We're both sluts. It runs in the family. He pushes it all the way in, all the way to the root, without gagging, or choking, or anything. All he does is hum contentedly. "You're a fucking god," I praise him.
He pulls away and leans down lower to place kisses on my balls. I curl my toes in pleasure, spreading my legs wider for him. "Does that feel good?" he asks while dragging his tongue along my length, putting it back in his mouth again.
"It feels amazing. It's so, so warm, Daddy~!" I moan. I've never called anyone "Daddy" before. I love the sound of Colin being my Daddy. He is my Daddy.
"'Daddy'..." he murmurs. "I like that. I like that coming out of your dirty mouth," he growls aggressively, leaning forward to kiss me. His aggression excites me. I moan into the kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair. "Have you ever explored yourself sexually?" he inquires, moving back down to suck me.
"I-I... no. Believe it or not, I've n-never touched myself. I've never... masturbated, because Tord told me not to. I never asked why; I just always did what he said, no matter what," I choke out. "I'm-I'm incredibly untouched."
"Mmm..." he hums. "Perfect. More for me."
"Hah..." I breathe. "I want to be perfect for you."
"You're already perfect for me, darling." He sucks harder, and I moan out louder.
"Colin! I-I'm gonna-!" I cut myself off as I cum in his mouth, sighing in relief. I feel so, so much better.
He sits up and swallows in satisfaction. "You taste so good, Conrad," he praises me. "I didn't know you could moan so lewdly." He smirks at me, leaning down and kissing me again. I let him jab his tongue into my mouth, and I taste my cum on it. I hum in pleasure.
He pulls away. His mouth is slightly opened, and his eyes are half closed. "Conrad..."
I know what he's asking, and I nod. "You can put it in."
His mouth closes, and he blinks slowly. "Ok." Colin gets off the bed and works at his zipper, pulling his pants and underwear down. I gape at the size of him. He looks impossibly huge. I shake my head desperately as he gets back on the bed and looms over me. "N-No way! There's no way that that's fitting inside!"
"Relax, Conrad. I promise you, it'll be ok. Let me lube you up, and I'll get myself lubed up, and it'll go in a lot easier," he soothes.
I stare down at him. Our dicks are close enough to touch. I scoot down so my dick presses against his. We're both throbbing, pulsing with arousal.
He rubs his against mine. "Mine is 6.8 inches long, with a diameter of 5.7 inches. I'm not much bigger than you, Conrad. I promise, it can fit. An Android's rectum can stretch up to 7 inches, one inch less than a Human. It'll fit."
I whimper softly. "It-It's going to hurt..."
"Of course, it's going to hurt." He puts one of his fingers in his mouth and sucks on it. When he takes it out, he circles the rim of my opening. "However, I can use my fingers to stretch you out a bit. Loosen you up. So, when I put it in, it'll hurt less."
"D-Do that," I beg. "Please..."
He inserts his finger at my request, and I groan softly. I can feel him moving around inside of me, and it feels amazing. Slowly, he inserts another finger.
"Sh-Shit...!" I squeak, throwing my head back. "E-Even your fingers feel fucking euphoric."
He kisses my neck, pushing his fingers as deep as they'll go. I dig my nails into his back as he scissors them, stretching me wider than before. Finally, he slips in a third finger, slowly pumping them in and out.
"Oh, C-Colin... Colin, Daddy, please, please, please, I h-have to have more!" I cry out.
     "Be patient, Conrad. You'll get it, I promise." He spits on his hand and jerks himself off as he fingers me. And, I can't do anything besides moan and squirm and fucking enjoy this, because, holy shit, it feels amazing. "I need to make sure you're in the most ideal conditions before I make you my bitch."
     "Aaaahhhh~!" I moan out, gripping my sheets. "C-Coliiiiinnnnn! I want to be your bitch! I want to be your little slut!"
     He positions himself to enter me, pushing my legs up towards my face. I grab my thighs and hold them in place as he pushes himself inside of me.
     "C-COLIIIIIINNN!!" I scream. Searing pain blooms from where he stretches me out. His dick feels so, so warm and good inside of me, but it hurts like hell. I can feel it pulsing, throbbing, begging to fuck me. I hyperventilate, feeling unnaturally full from him. I feel like I can't breathe.
     "Hey, hey, breathe, Conrad," he advises me. "Relax. Relax your body. I know it hurts, but just relax your body, and I promise you'll feel better."
     I breathe heavily. My chest heaves from him filling me. But, I do as he says, and I relax. Slowly, I force my muscles to relax. The more I relax myself, the better I feel.
     "Good, good. Now, tell me when you're ready for me to move, ok? I know, you need time to adjust to me." He takes my hand and holds it, soothing me.
     I shut my eyes tightly, trying my best to move past the pain. "Ok.." I squeak. "You can move, now."
     As soon as he thrusts, I start moaning lewdly. I can feel him rubbing against my walls with each thrust. "Shit... you are so, incredibly tight. You're clamping down on me. At this rate, you'll make me finish early."
     There it is. I wanted him to tell me how tight I am. "Ooohhhh..." I groan. "I'm glad you like my body, Colin. I-I love you!"
     "I love you, too, babyboy," he pants, leaning down to kiss me as he fucks me passionately. "Your body is so beautiful, Conrad."
     "Aahhh~! Ah... hah... D-Daddy?"
     "Go f-faster, please!"
     He does as I ask and pounds me. Tears fall down my face due to the sheer intensity of this. I tense up as I cum again, shooting my seed onto his chest. He isn't fazed by it at all; he just keeps going.
     He pulls out, adjusts his grip, then slams into me, decimating my insides. "Conrad... I'm going to cum..."
     I squeeze his hand. "D-Do it..."
     He buries himself deep as he fills me with his cum. I cry out in pleasure. He rides out his orgasm, gritting his teeth from the effort. I groan as he slows down, then pulls out. I feel so unnaturally stretched, but it's a nice feeling.
"I can hold myself for a very long time, Conrad," he begins, grabbing a nearby towel I had used to clean up spilled water a few days ago. He wipes my cum off of his chest. "However, I thought that it would be better if I finished a little faster in order to prevent your systems from overheating and possibly hurting you."
"Th-That's ok, Colin. I don't mind," I sit up, wincing at the pressure on my raw ass.
     "Are you ok, baby?" he asks, taking me in his arms and holding me.
     I wrap my arms around him, sighing in pleasure. "I'm ok, Colin. I'm just sore."
     "That makes sense," he murmurs, laying me down on the bed and looming over me. He pulls away and gives me my underwear. I put it on as he puts on his, then I sit up.
     "Can we stay up? I'm not ready to sleep, yet."
     "Of course. We can do whatever you're comfortable with." He sits next to me.
     I slide down so I'm laying flat on my back. "Thank you." I pull out my phone.
     He lays down next to me, cuddling up with me as he puts his arm around me. "I love you, Conrad."
     "I love you, too, Colin."

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