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Naruto spent the rest of his holiday living a loose schedule that varied between eating, sleeping, and training. On the Thursday, he had briefly considered contacting Satsuki for something else to do, but reminded himself that now she wasn't obliged to spend time with him, she would just kick him out of her apartment.

Or, she wouldn't be in. Though, for all training she did, he never saw her in the Training Grounds.

The Genin exam arrived too quickly, and the night before, as though he was sensing his fear, Mizuki invited Naruto out for ramen. The gesture was a welcome one.

The beef was wonderful and succulent, the noodles salty and perfect. Naruto couldn't fully appreciate the taste.

"How are you, Naruto?"

Slurping up one last noodle, Naruto grinned. "Great, Mizuki-sensei! The food's amazing! Thanks!"

He knew that wasn't really what Mizuki had meant. Naruto did his best to avoid letting on.

Mizuki smiled, eating a smaller bowl of noodles himself – slower. Their slurping was in unison, and Naruto ordered another bowl. Mizuki smiled into his food at Naruto's unprecedented eating speed, but said nothing.

"Are you prepared for your exam, Naruto?"

'As prepared as I can be...' "Yeah! Stop worrying, Mizuki-sensei. Are you prepared?"

His teacher laughed, the smile natural on his face. They ate for a while in silence, but the air was not thick.

"Naruto, if you're worried about your exam..."

Naruto sighed, pushing away his last bowl and cradling his stomach. "I... I dunno, Mizuki-sensei. I try, and I try, but I can't get the Bunshin down... I've tried for so long."

"I could teach you?" Mizuki offered, but Naruto shook his head.

"We only have one night... it's fine. I'm just gonna hope that the Bunshin technique doesn't come up!"

Naruto was laughing, but the sound screamed of emptiness. Mizuki gave him a sad look.

"Stupid. Don't leave it so last minute, next time."

'Didn't you want to ask me?'

"You're stupid, Mizuki-sensei!" Naruto huffed, staring into his food and folding his arms.

"Naruto... if you're struggling with chakra control, then tonight, I'll try and help you-"

"Really?! You're the best, Mizuki-sensei!"

"-only for a while, okay? Not too late! Oi!"


"Make me a bunshin."

Naruto hated bunshins, and his face fell. Mizuki laughed heartily, ruffling his hair and smiling.

"There's no need to look so miserable, Naruto."

"But there is," he whined. "I can't do this. I hate bunshins and I can't do them. It's not possible!"

"Why?" Mizuki asked.

Naruto pouted, pulling hands rigidly to his sides with a frustrated expression. "I don't know! But I can't! That's all there is to it!"

For the best part of an hour, Mizuki prodded about Naruto's hand, demanding he summon chakra and then stop; and then he came to a conclusion.

"You've got a humongous amount of chakra, Naruto. Huge."

Naruto blinked.

"Really? That's good, right?"

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