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"Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Satsuki."


Sakura was fairly sure Satsuki would at least be a little more willing to be around her after they had been assigned onto a team together.

The girl was walking, hands in pockets-

"S-Satsuki-san? Uh, good morning! Or, is it afternoon? I'm not too su..."

Satsuki paused in her walk. "What?"

"U-Um... pardon?"

Satsuki turned her head, looking at Sakura with a blank expression. "What is it?" she asked.

"Well," Sakura said, holding a bag to her side rigidly. "I was thinking... we could have lunch? Y'know, since we're gonna be on a team and all!" She scratched the side of her face.

Satsuki faced forward again, and then she turned her whole body to face Sakura. She closed her eyes, as though in exasperation.

Sakura had very honestly expected her to at least say something.

With nothing more than a brush of arms, Satsuki walked straight past Sakura and back the way she'd came.


"Sakura-chan! Do you want to sit together for lunch-"

"No! Get out of my way, idiot!"

And Sakura walked straight past Naruto and back the way she'd came.

Naruto saw the brief but certain glint of tears in her eyes.



Satsuki didn't say anything, not even when Naruto slumped down next to her. She reached for a riceball.

"Why did you make Sakura-chan cry?" Naruto said. The words felt weak and empty to her; like Naruto didn't really care at all.

Satsuki didn't look at him. "I didn't say anything to her."

Naruto believed her – she was telling the truth - and she ate beside him in silence. His stomach rumbled, and he turned to her, laughing sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head-

She offered a riceball with an outheld hand. "Here."

Naruto took it delightedly, smiling and thanking her, and took a bite-

"Eurgh! The hell's that?!"

"Not ramen."

"It's disgusting!"

"I didn't prepare it for you."

"You like that?!"

Later, Naruto returned home, and Satsuki went shopping.


"Good afternoon, Mizuki-sensei..."

He made himself as comfortable as he could amongst a field of buried dead, but Naruto had always been scared of ghosts. His hand brushed against the cold marble of a grave, and he pulled it back quick.

Naruto bit his lip.

"I... climbed over the gate to get here. Apparently the graveyard closes at four. But, no-one'll care! I've done worse, right, Mizuki-sensei?"

Naruto wanted to talk to him.

'You shouldn't have! How did the assignments go?'

"I... like my new team, I think. Sakura-chan's on a team with me! It's like a dream come true!"

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