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Satsuki awoke to the overpowering stench of wildlife that masked the faintest scent of ramen. Her second intake of breath was stained with the scent of miso. She opened her eyes, blinking out the blurred vision and wincing at the bright orange fabric her face was currently buried in.

"You awake, bastard?"

She yawned, the tight knot of sleepiness strong and alluring in her chest. That was Naruto's voice, she noted, and then she realised her legs were in his arms, her arms slung over his shoulders. He was carrying her, and she frowned. "Usuratonkachi," she said. "I can walk."

"I'm not taking any chances with that wound of yours, Satsuki-san," Sakura intercepted from their right firmly. "The river isn't far now. See?"

Satsuki followed her pointing finger to a faintly glimmering strip of water in the distance, flashing amongst the moving trees.

"Provided there are no enemies there, we'll get you cleaned up, we'll fill up our canteens, and we'll get washed," Sakura said.

"Hell yeah!" Naruto said, and although Satsuki couldn't see his grin, she rolled her eyes anyway. "I'm so-ooo thirsty, you know, Sakura-chan. I forgot to even fill up my canteen..."

"You're such an idiot, sometimes, Naruto," Sakura said, rolling her eyes. "Either way, we're nearly there, Satsuki-san." Her expression turned somewhat worrisome. "But you know what they say about water."

Naruto blinked. "...no?"

"That's where the animals gather to drink."

Satsuki could feel the shudder of Naruto's nervous gulp from on his back.

"L-Like, those animals? The huge ones!? They're gonna be there-!?"

Satsuki slapped a hand to Naruto's mouth.

"Idiot," she said quietly, eyes flitting to the forest around them. "You're too loud."

"C'mon, we're here," Sakura said, landing on a branch, and Satsuki noticed Naruto's particularly long evaluation of the area before he dropped down to the grass besides the river. Satsuki climbed off his back with as much dignity as she could muster, which wasn't much.

"Y'know, I totally expected you to weigh like, a million tons," Naruto said, cracking his back. "But I could barely tell you were there. But that's probably just because I'm super strong."

Satsuki flicked him in the side of the head. "Hurry up."

Naruto huffed, rubbing his temple and walking to the side of the river. "Still a bastard."

They settled down for a moment, Sakura having already filled up her canteen and taken off her shoes. She stood in the river, and sighed happily, reaching down to cup her hands with the fresh water to drink and wash away the smudges of dirt and blood on her face.

Naruto caught himself staring at her happy smile, and quickly dragged his gaze away, undoing his jacket and taking off the top underneath. Satsuki eyed him cautiously.

"What are you doing?"

"Duh, I'm washing. I stink. So do you."

Satsuki blinked, before shrugging and reaching for the hem of her top.


They both looked up, to see Sakura looking horrified.

"Satsuki-san!" she said, eyes silently urging Satsuki, but the girl just raised an eyebrow.


Sakura pointed at Naruto, looking at Satsuki as though she was meant to be in on something, but the Uchiha found herself yet still bewildered.

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