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At Sakura's side, Satsuki was silent.

Sakura knew her as anger, or bite, but now, Satsuki was unmoving, hunched over the rail and staring across the dust of the battlefield.

Amongst the combatants, prepared and quiet in the waiting area, there was a boy with red hair and dark circles around his eyes. Sakura bit her lip, and tucked her hair behind her ear. She felt for a needle, and was relieved at its point.

The stadium bubbled with energy; they were in the shade, but it was a scorching day.

There was a gap between Sakura and Satsuki where Naruto was not, and spying her gaze, the girl from Suna snickered. Sakura couldn't hold back.


Temari scoffed, and stretched her arms above her head, smiling. "Oh, nothing." She checked her nails. "Your friend isn't here yet. Sure he's coming?"

Sakura glowered. Temari carried on.

"But you know, anyone would be scared of facing Gaara," Temari said, leaning back and looking as though she was pushing down a laugh. "I wouldn't blame him for running away."

"Naruto hasn't run away."

The waiting area fell into silence Satsuki's cold and certain tone. She stood upright, putting her hands in her pockets and turning to Temari with those dark eyes.

"And how do you know that?" Temari said with a sneer.

She stood slightly taller than Satsuki, but Sakura could swear that she shriveled under that gaze all the same.

"I'm certain," said Satsuki. "Naruto will be here."

Temari looked a moment longer, scoffed, but said nothing else. She stepped back and turned to the stadium, looking at the slowly filling stands. Sakura sighed.

'But that's what you get for talking shit about Naruto in front of Satsuki-san,' Sakura thought. 'I learned that the hard way...'

The stadium began to simmer into a quiet buzz, and the proctor unfolded the examination sheet. Gaara turned from the group, and began to walk, slowly, down the steps behind them. Sakura turned to watch him descend into the dark stairwell, but Satsuki didn't move.

"Satsuki-san, there's no need to worry, as you said." Sakura gave her a small smile. "Naruto is-"

"I know, Sakura." Satsuki pulled one of her fans clipped to her belt, and splayed it wide, running her fingers over the metal-spined spokes.

'Then why is she worrying?' Sakura thought. 'I've never seen her like this before...'

As Satsuki ran her fingers over the material of her fan, Sakura eyed the white scar that peered from beneath her arm protectors. It was long, and came to a point. She frowned, and made a move to speak, when the voice of the proctor rumbled through the stadium. The audience fell silent.

"Uzumaki Naruto," the man said, looking down to the board and then up again. "And Sabaku no Gaara."

Satsuki's fan snapped shut.

Gaara's voice, though Sakura could not see him, came from beneath her.

"Here," he said. His footsteps were slow and evenly spaced.

The proctor looked around again.

"Has anyone seen Uzumaki Naruto?" he said again.

Sakura put her head in her hands. "Ugh... why does Naruto manage to screw up everything? He'll be so upset if he misses this match, too..."

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