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"I'm sick of these stupid D-rank missions! I want a C-rank!"

Iruka sighed. "Naruto-"

The week had been filled with an array of mediocre missions, and Satsuki's ears rang from Naruto's complaints. She was beginning to worry about the effects on her hearing.

"No! No more getting the Daimyo's wife's cat! I don't wanna!"

"Naruto-" Iruka said, expression irritated.

"Well," the Hokage said. "Okay."

Team 7 blinked.

"We just received a C-rank, actually."

"What, like protecting a beautiful princess!? Or-"

The Hokage coughed. "Tazuna-san..."

A short man with a straw hat peered through the door, face red with drink.

"He's a bridge builder from the Land of Waves," the Hokage said. "You're required to take him back, and protect him from bandits and the like."

"What, so I'm being taken by a couple of princesses and a midget?" the bridge builder hiccuped, sake in hand with a strange look at the Hokage. "Can these kids really protect me?"

Naruto began howling incoherently at the man, Kakashi holding him by his head.

"Are these ninja insufficient, Tazuna-san?" the Hokage asked, and it wasn't more a question than a challenge. Tazuna gulped.

"In any case," Kakashi said, "I am coming as well. So don't worry."

Tazuna grumbled, tipping his hat.


The day was blisteringly hot, and Naruto's attitude was as exhausting as ever. For some reason, every single bush was immensely interesting to him.

Satsuki felt uneasy. Very, very uneasy.

She couldn't really pinpoint why, either. The fear was stupid and childish, and she crushed it.


She jumped.

"Uh... Satsuki-san?" Sakura said, hands behind her back. "Have you ever left Konoha before?"

Satsuki paused, and nodded.

"Oh," Sakura said, laughing awkwardly. "I haven't... but its not that different here. Just lots of trees, I guess..."

Satsuki was quiet, hands tucked in her pockets. "I was young," she said. "I can't remember it."


They walked in silence, the air heavy.

"I just wanted to say thank you," Sakura blurted out.

Satsuki raised an eyebrow, and the other girl giggled.

"Well..." Sakura began. "I wouldn't have passed the test if you hadn't had the idea to work together... so I kinda owe it to you..."

"Naruto was the one who made us all work together," Satsuki said. "I wouldn't have asked you, otherwise."

Sakura blinked, and her jaw opened and closed like a fish. After a moment, she blushed and looked at her feet.

"A-Ah... I guess that figures," Sakura said, shuffling her bag awkwardly on her shoulders. "He probably wanted to ask me on a date, or something..."

"It was nice of him."

Sakura looked up, confused. "Eh?"

Satsuki didn't look at her. "Naruto refused the opportunity to get a bell so you could have a chance at getting one."

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