Chapter one, oops

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POV: Killer

As killer walked to school they passed their friend's house, Fresh, they were really good friends. Well until they had gotten into a fight about math. It started when killer said that they didn't like math and that they couldn't Achieve what the teacher wanted, and that's it's boring. Suddenly a familiar voice snapped killer out of their flashback, it was PJ(Paperjam) Great fresh is gonna be here killer thought to themself. Killer pulled up their hood on their hoodie, he didn't want to get in a fight with PJ.

(time skip to when killer is at school and in class)

Killer sat down and waited for the bell to ring. Of course they were the first one in class, killer is a straight A student. The teacher sat down at his desk, as soon as he did the bell rang and student after student walked into the classroom. As soon as everyone sat down the teacher, who was Mr. Dream, stood up. " allright, today we will be working on Antonyms. He began to write on the board. " An Antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another"

(time skip again because why not)


PJ walked out of the classroom, he was looking around for killer. Killer had made Fresh upset and he wanted to 'talk' to them. It was their free time, he thought that killer would have been outside, which they were. "Heya kills," PJ said, a smile on his face. Killer was sitting outside on a bench. "Since when did you start calling me kills?" killer tilted their head, confusion in their eyes. Suddenly PJ punched killer in the face, giving them a huge bruise on their cheek. "That's for making fresh upset, and that's" he hit killer again this time making their skull crack. "For starting a fight with fresh" he said as he walked off.

POV: No one

Killer was crying, their skull was cracked and they had a huge bruise on their cheek. "Why me" killer muttered as they got up, killer was glad there was no Audience around, that would be even worse because then PJ would have hurt Them more. Suddenly killer felt someone hug them.


Mr. Nightmare? Killer's sight was blurry, but they just sat there and listened to the person who was hugging them. "Killer? What happened, who did this?, are you alright.... Killer? Killer!?" killer's eyes went blank as they passed out, the crack in their skull getting worse. I.. I can't see! Mr. Nightmare!? Where is he. Killer thought to themself, tho they could hear Mr. Nightmare they couldn't do anything. Then they heard another voice. Mr. Dream? And... Fresh!? "Killer! Oh My what happened!?" killer herd fresh say.

POV: Fresh

"Oh, no, no, no! Killer...." fresh looked over at Mr. NIghtmare, he was holding killer as Mr. Dream healed them. "Are.. are they?" Fresh managed to say, though the worry he was feeling was overwhelming him. "They are alive, tho badly wounded. I can't heal them correctly, my magic has not been good lately." Mr. Dream Said his eyes full of worry, same with his brother's, Mr. Nightmare

What a day. (my au?) NAJ! Killer X Nightmare(?)•DISCONTINUED •Where stories live. Discover now