The trio followed the group at the back toward the Avengers museum while the brown haired boy was being laughed at by his two friends as he whined at them to stop, which only seemed to encourage them to laugh even more.As they entered the room Peter immediately walked over to his display which he saw had been updated since his most recent visit. It had some messages written by the other avengers printed on little plaques.
Some were wholesome and sweet, like Wanda's and Steves, saying he was bubbly and friendly and brought a smile to everyone at the towers face.
Others just made fun of him like Bucky's bragging that he could bench press more than Peter which Peter knows is a LIE because, the time Bucky is going off is when Peter didn't know they were having a competition and put it down before he needed to, and Bucky has never let him forget it.
Peter just smiled, occasionally letting out a chuckle as he read the rest, unaware of the presence creeping up behind him.
"Hey there" The whisper in his ear brought shivers down Peter's spine and he cursed his spider-sense for not alerting him to the new presence.
"Hi" Peter whispered back as he turned to face his boyfriend. Of course, his spider-sense wouldn't warn him of his presence, but he would have appreciated a head's up.
Harley smiled down at him as he watched the tension visibly roll off of Peter's shoulders in the presence of the older boy. Harley's smile was returned as Peter rubbed his eyes to attempt to shake off the tiredness the hectic day had caused.
Harley's smile only widened as he watched Peter's actions, loving the way the boy turned into an affectionate little koala when he got tired and preparing himself for the inevitable hug. He noticed Peter wearing his hoodie which made his heart swell with happiness as he watched the boy battle with himself.
Peter knew that his classmates were in the room so was reluctant to fall into his boyfriend's arms in their presence, but he was facing away from them and Harley opened his arms to invite him in and Peter quickly lost his inner battle as he stepped into the other boy's embrace, sighing in content.
As Peter hugged Harley, the older boy noticed him wince slightly and shift. Peter only ignore his boyfriend's inquisitive look and Harley chose to drop it for now but keep an eye on him.
What Peter was unaware of was his entire class watching the boy being cuddled by a very good looking boy who was clearly a bit older than them.
Many were surprised that Peter was even gay and had gotten such a good looking boyfriend, others were just jealous of their very clearly happy relationship.
Harley gave them all a glare to get the staring to stop, knowing that Peter hated attention as he held the boy to himself tightly.
Peter sighed in content and smiled up at his boyfriend after pulling away, having enjoyed their hug which lasted around 5 minutes. Peter's face flushed as he realized what he had just done in front of his entire class.
Harley watched his boyfriend's face heat up and the embarrassment take over with a goofy grin, ruffling the smaller boy's hair affectionately before declaring he was going to say hi to Ned and MJ.
Peter huffed and turned to face his class but most seemed to have just moved on from the little scene and continued to look around while the rest settled with giving him wide eyed looks.
Just as Peter thought he was in the clear his spidey-sense alerted him to another presence coming towards him that could be potentially hostile.
What with Peter getting this particular warning multiple times a day, he knew exactly who was coming over to him.
"Hey Penis, how'd you get two Avengers to pretend to know you, did you bribe them? Huh?" Flash questioned as he stepped closer to Peter.
Said boy glanced around for his boyfriend quickly, seeing him engaged in a conversation with his tour guide he let out a quiet sigh of relief. At least he hadn't seen Flash's approach.
"They're all loaded Flash, how could I possibly pay any of them to do anything?" Peter asked exasperatedly. He was so done with Flash's shit.
While Flash seemed stumped momentarily and Peter started a victory dance in his head, it turned out he celebrated too soon as Flash's mouth curled into a wicked smirk as he raised his voice slightly.
"What was it then Penis, you get down on your knees for them, is that what you did you slut? Your boy toy over there implies you did." Flash bit out.
A collective gasp was heard from nearby by their classmates who were close enough to hear the exchange. Peter's eyes widened slightly as his breath caught in his through, the implication horrifying him and hurting more than he'd care to admit.
While Peter's breath sped up slightly and his vision blurred with tears he hadn't noticed his boyfriend approaching the scene with a new companion by his side, both glaring venomously at his bully.
Harley grabbed Flash by his collar and ripped him away from the now trembling boy as Shuri pulled him to her chest gently. If looks could kill, with the combination of the two of them, Flash would be long gone.
To Peter's relief, the two didn't hear the entirety of the exchange, only from the word 'slut' onwards, which turned out to be a good thing because the poor boy didn't know what they'd do if they found out what had really been said to him.
"Who are you calling a slut huh? You think you're cool and all that just because you pick on someone? Really? Well, Peter's so-called "boy-toy" could literally rip you in half with ease so I would suggest that you back. Off."
You would think this would cause Flash to back away trembling, however, this is Flash and despite being in a pretty smart school, his IQ is a bit challenged, so he only responded with;
"Oh Parker doesn't mind, it's all fun and games, right?" Flash gives Peter a warning look and the boy is quick to nod in confirmation. This however only succeeds in angering Shuri and Harley.
"Peter what are you talking about, that is so not fun and games, you're shaking" Peter does not appreciate Shuri revealing that to Flash, who smirks a little bit, only to have it whipped off by Harley grabbing him even tighter.
"Really guys I'm fine, I'm just overtired and took some joking to heart, I'm okay, really." Peter tried to reassure.
Harley's eyes narrow and he knows that Peter is lying but is cut off from calling him out on it by Anna claiming they were moving on.
With another glare he released Flash who walked back over to the group smugly, only succeeding in riling Harley up even more.
"Okay I'm going back up now guys, I'm really sorry but I'm not even supposed to be here now, so I'll see you after the tour Peter, you too Harley."
Shuri goes over to her girlfriend and gives MJ a quick peck on the lips before she leaves. Harley turns a confused and slightly pissed look to Peter who just returns is with a tired shrug of his shoulders.
Deciding that his boyfriend was too drained for an interrogation, Harley sighed and swung an arm across the boy's shoulders as they follow after the group.
Everything was going just splendidly.
Ok I've actually never felt as loved as I did after the last chapter and all of your guys' cute motivational comments and I was looking through them at like 1am last night and was just inspired and needed to write you guys another chapter so I hope you like it! This is also way longer than usual lol.
1234 words (that wasn't even on purpose)
Lila out 💜

SI Field Trip
FanfictionPeter's life had finally been looking up. After being adopted and made Peter Stark two years prior and with a boyfriend of two years, Peter couldn't have asked for more. Of course, the infamous Parker Luckᴛᴍ strikes again, and a field trip to his ho...