The door to the common room burst open as the god of mischief walked in, clothes billowing out behind him in a way that would rival Severus Snape.
The rest of the avengers paused in their scheming to watch the God's entry as he raged silently, planning the downfall of the boy who inflicted pain on one of the only younglings he enjoyed being in the presence of.
They all stared at him expectantly, knowing he had previously been with their injured spider and aware that something had to have caused this newfound rage.
When he finally stopped pacing he looked at the group before him. He made eye contact with every one of them before smirking maliciously, causing everyone around him to become instantly wary. "I trust each of you have a different plan in mind for the downfall of the peasant who thought it acceptable to harm the spiderling."
Smirking, Tony agreed wholeheartedly, before asking if any new information was revealed about the pain the newest avenger in.
With a growl, Loki revealed the bruises he saw painting the young boy's skin and explained that he had left after Peter had broken down into tears in his boyfriend's arms.
"The boy was apparently very homophobic towards Peter, not liking that he had a boyfriend. He was also calling him some awful names." As he said the last words he cast a meaningful glance towards Tony and Natasha, hoping they'd understand the underlying meaning.
The answering growl and string of curses confirmed that they understood, though the rest of the avengers believed they were angry for the same reasons they were, not understanding the implications of how hard it could be for peter to be called certain names.
Before Natasha could storm out of the room to rip a certain 'Flash" into pieces, she was caught again by Clint who held her back so they could form a plan. With the new addition of Loki's twisted mind brought, their scheming resumed.
As the group upstairs continued to plan, a slightly refreshed Peter (After a trip to the bathroom to rinse his face) and Harley made their way back to the tour group, following Friday's instructions.
Peter was still panicking about Loki's absence but Harley had succeeded pretty well in distracting him by throwing maths problems at him and counting down until he answered.
When the two finally caught up to the tour group, they were giggling and staring intensely at each other, trying to stem their laughter amidst their staring contest. When Peter won he celebrated with a loud whoop laughing joyously with his boyfriend, unaware of the stares he was receiving from his class as they finally caught up to the tour group.
Still giggling the two turned to face the group of teens and tour guide who were all staring at them with a range of emotions on their faces, from awe to exasperation at their familiar antics. The room they had entered seemed to house some of Harley's friends as he was almost immediately whisked away form Peter, who watched in retreat with a lovesick expression on his face.
Nobody could ruin their happy moment.
And so, naturally, Eugine Thompson took that as a challenge, as he shoved Peter slightly, saying "Move over Fag."
The whole class stopped as they saw Harley's figure freeze and Peter shrink in on himself a bit, the banter-filled atmosphere from moments before vanishing within the blink of an eye.
With a snarl, Harley turned around and stormed over towards the tall bully, eyes blazing.
Time within the room seemed to stop momentarily as everyone paused what they were doing to watch the scene play out. Harley's friends could be seen in the background smirking; they knew exactly what was about to happen.
Peter seemed to realise a little too late that his boyfriend had just heard that comment as his head shot up with a panicked look as he watched his quickly approaching boyfriend. He began to protest, getting between Flash and the older boy but without using his super strength, he was no match for Harley in a rage.
Harley ignored the desperate pleading of his damn self sacrificial boyfriend in favour of advancing on the boy who seemed to be the source of Peter's troubles (Or at least some of them) for the past however many years.
Harley grabbed Flash by the front of his t-shirt and dragged him against the wall of the lab, pressing his forearm against the boy's airway, not enough to suffocate him but enough for him to struggle to breathe. The threat was clear.
Harley took some satisfaction in the seemingly ever-present smug look on the bully's face vanishing before his eyes.
"What. Did. You. Just call him?" Harley asked calmly. ( ;) )
Flash's eyes flashed with fear at the raging Tennessee boy, but he clearly caught sight of Peter's horrified form as he whispered to Harley, "Well, not really a Him is she?"
Now, why Eugine Thompson ever thought that this was the right thing to say, will never truly be understood, but alas he did. And so, it is believed that he, how would you say... Got what was coming to him?
Harley punched him.
In the gut, then the nose, then again in the gut, before releasing him slighlty and kneeing him as he doubled over in pain.
As he fell to the ground, Harley's caught him by the front of his t-shirt again and decked him across the face one last time before he was ripped away from the boy by Peter, who had finally recovered from his horrified shock.
Flash lay groaning in pain on the ground as Peter freaked out, checking if Harley was ok as the older boy panted, unsure of what caused the sudden violence. As their eyes met, Harley calmed, ready to do anything to calm the boy in front of him and keep the tears glistening in his doe eyes from falling.
Harley pulled the smallest avenger to his chest and breathed in his scent, calming himself as much as he could.
He definitely needed it, as moments later he had a horrified teacher yelling at him and promising to sue as his friend's dragged the beaten up boy over to a chair and dumped him on it none to gently.
He only smirked, Tony would gladly destroy anyone in court for him, knowing he did what he did for the spiderling.
Ok I know its been forever and I haven't edited this properly so I'll do that in the morning so if u see this 'Updated' again tomorrow, its probably just me editing.
(This is for you C)
1114 words
Lila out💜

SI Field Trip
FanfictionPeter's life had finally been looking up. After being adopted and made Peter Stark two years prior and with a boyfriend of two years, Peter couldn't have asked for more. Of course, the infamous Parker Luckᴛᴍ strikes again, and a field trip to his ho...