What was that about Parker?" Came a snarky voice from behind Peter as a hand landed on his shoulder. "Go away Flash, it was nothing, just Friday greeting me because I'm an intern." Was Peter's calm response.Thankfully Friday's reaction was pretty easily covered up. Flashes hand tightened aggressively in a warning, causing Peter to flinch minutely, before Flash left, seemingly content for the time being.
The tour guide brought them up in the lift towards the first set of intern labs. As the group approached the doors they were able to witness the many interns working away on various different projects.
The students watched in awe as Peter waved timidly to one of his friends who spotted him, hoping to remain unseen.
Of course, as friends do, Teddy wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to greet Peter, even better, embarrass him in front of his classmates.
Ignoring Peter's shaking head and pleading eyes, teddy called out loudly "Hey Baby S! How's it going? Haven't seen you in a while."
This of course, not only caught the attention of Peter's shocked classmates but the rest of the interns who were never going to pass up such a wonderful opportunity.
"Pete!" "Baby S" "Parker" "Hey man" came some of the greetings from the other interns. A few approached including Teddy and Jess, very interested in why their friend was in their lab with a tour group.
"What's up Mini S, what're you doing here with these people?" Jess questioned jovially. Peter sighed in resignation and explained his situation.
He immediately regretted it as he saw their grins turn manic and mischievous. Peter took an almost unconscious step back in fear, not liking the new looks his friends were giving him.
"I'm guessing this was the big man's idea?" "Yeah D- Mr Stark definitely had something to do with this."
Peter blushed at his slip up, watching as his friends' grins widened further, Ned and MJ the only others who seemed to have caught it.
Peter turned back to his class who he had momentarily forgotten were there with a shy smile as he waited for Alice to continue. They all were watching the interaction with widened eyes, seemingly unable to believe that Peter had not only been telling the truth, but he seemed to know Tony Stark personally.
Alice cleared her throat to catch the attention of the class again. She directed all of them over to a few interns who then began to explain their complex projects and inventive ideas to the wide-eyed students watching with rapt attention.
Before the class left, Peter approached Teddy and Jess to tell them he would be down the following day to spend a few hours with them. As peter left, Jess called after him. "Don't make us call Harley on you Peter!"
Peter spun around wide-eyed to his friends, pleading them not to sic his boyfriend on him in front of his Decathlon team. As they gave him easy smiles he relaxed somewhat. However, he immediately tensed again when he heard Flash's voice come from behind him.
"Who's Harley? The security guard to kick the lying Parker out of here?" Flash questioned stupidly. Peter watched as his friends' eyes narrowed and sensed all of the other interns watching what was occurring. Despite not being as close to them, they were all still very protective of him. His eyes grew wide and pleading, willing his friends not to freak out.
"Maybe we should call Harley," Teddy said angrily.
"Nope! No need! Flash here was just messing, right Flash? We're good friends really." Peter tried to 'explain' to his quietly seething friends.
"Wha-" Flash began but was cut off by an elbow to the gut from Peter, willing him to just agree. With a subtle glare, he did.
Teddy and Jess remained sceptical, along with most of the room, but allowed the boys to catch up with their tour group. However before they could reach the group, Peter was stopped by Flash.
"I hope you don't think I'm going to allow you elbowing me to go unacknowledged" Flash muttered in the smaller boy's ear threateningly.
Peter gulped, 'Oops'.
Hey guys, thanks again for reading! Things are getting a bit more intense now! Next chapter is going to be intense but it'll get better after that I hope! As always I larb you :)697 words
Lila out 💜

SI Field Trip
FanfictionPeter's life had finally been looking up. After being adopted and made Peter Stark two years prior and with a boyfriend of two years, Peter couldn't have asked for more. Of course, the infamous Parker Luckᴛᴍ strikes again, and a field trip to his ho...