Chapter 6

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The students filed into the lobby together and awaited the arrival of their tour guide. Peter did his best to keep his head down and avoid eye contact with anyone who could recognise him to prevent unwanted attention.

"Ned!" Peter called quietly. At the questioning look he received, he gestured his friend over.

"I had an intern badge made for myself and a visitor's badge made for you because knowing Dad he was hoping we'd use our cards to give us away" Peter explained as he fished the newly made cards out of his backpack.

Ned gave him a look of awe before grinning widely and grabbing the offered badge. His friend's mind never ceased to amaze him.

"Hello everyone" A female voice called from the front of the group. "My name is Alice and I'll be your tour guide for this morning! Now could everyone please line up and await your name to be called out to receive your visitors' badge"

The group all received their badges and thankfully, nobody seemed to notice Ned's and Peter's names not being called. "Ok now we just tap our cards against this machine here and go through this metal detector and we can continue with the tour."

Alice approached the machine and tapped her card. "Alice Greene, Yellow 2, Welcome back" A voice declared from above.

Most of the class jumped as Alice let out a light laugh. "That's Friday, Mr Stark's AI. Though you've probably heard of her, she still gives quite the shock for a visitor. She declares your name and security clearance level as you enter." Alice explained.

As a question was asked about the colour codes, it was briefly explained that it went in the order of a rainbow, Red for visitors and press, orange for janitors, and lower-level staff such as receptionists, yellow 1,2, and 3 were for the different intern levels, green was for full time workers, blue for head scientists, indigo for non-live-in avengers, violet for live-in avenger and the head of Security, Happy Hogan. Three people didn't need a pass or colour; CEO Pepper Potts, Mr Stark himself and one other unknown individual.

At the last sentence, Alice winked at Peter. Almost everyone in the tower knew about Peter and his status as Tony's son but were sworn to secrecy. He was very much loved and spent time in almost all of the intern labs so all the workers came to know him and call him 'Baby Stark' as well as being fiercely protective of their 'Cinnamon Roll'.

As Alice finished her explanation, the group began their lineup to go through the security. "Michelle Jones, Red, Welcome" Was the first and the rest came to follow. As Ned approached Peter became slightly nervous, not sure if the card would work.

As Ned scanned his card, there was a short pause before Friday haltingly called out Ned as a Red, albeit reluctantly.

Slightly more confident, Peter scanned his own card. Friday seemed to be around half on his side as she called out "Peter Parker, Yellow 3, Welcome back Peter, how has your day been? Shouldn't you be in school? Shall I alert Boss that you have arrived?"

Peter cringed and quickly told the AI not to alert his Dad and that he was on a field trip, before he rushed through, thankful that only three people seemed to have noticed what had occurred, the rest in awe of the building.

Unfortunately, despite two being Ned and MJ, the third was Flash who was watching him with a calculating gaze, which was always more dangerous than a casual glare.

Peter ducked his head and approached Ned with a timid smile, glad his work paid off somewhat, keeping Ned hidden and his true highest ranking a secret.

Peter let out a tired sigh, something he seemed to be doing a lot recently. Today was going to be a long day.

Here we go guys! it has begun! Peter has finally entered the tower and shit's about to go DOWN! larb you all :)

658 words

Lila out 💜

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