Where It All Begins

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Hey Guys! This Is Not A Personal Story So Don't Worry. Hope You Enjoy And Remember To Like!

Chapter 1


I woke up to the sound of banging and to the sounds of glass breaking. I rolled my eyes, “Here they go again” I said to myself. I checked the time and it was 2:40 in the morning. I sighed and went downstairs to see what they were arguing about now. I see that my parents are in the kitchen clearly drunk. I look on the floor to see broken glass everywhere.

“What’s wrong mom?” I said rubbing my eyes.

“Your father was flirting with other women, while we we're at the bar” she said looking at him with anger in her eyes.

“I wasn’t flirting with her, I was just talking to her” he said rolling his eyes.

“LIAR!” she yelled, slapping him.

“MOM” I yelled at her.

“WHAT?” she said.

“Calm down, there’s no need for that” I said.

“Don’t tell me what to do, the last time I checked I birth you not the other way around” she said.

“Whatever Mom” I said turning around to walk away.

Right as I turned around she grabbed me by the arm and started to beat me with her belt. She threw me to the ground and continued to beat me with the belt. The sad thing was that my dad didn’t even try to help me. He just stood there and watched her. She continued to beat me with the belt and even started to kick and punch me. I guess I blacked out because I woke up to my best friend Jennable shaking me.

“How did you get in here?” I said confused.

“Your door was unlocked” She said.

My parents must of left the door open when entered the house last night.

“Ohh” I said.

I tried to get up but I was in too much pain to get up and I had a massive headache. I laid back down.

“What happened Jaelyn?” she said with sadness in her eyes.

“Nothing, I’m fine” I said.


“My mom and dad we're drunk last night and my mom was hitting my dad and I told her to stop, that there is no reason for her to do that.” I stopped to hold back the tears.

“Then she started to beat me” I said.

I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore and started to cry. Jennable came over to me and hugged me.

“What did your dad do, wasn’t he there in the room with you?” she asked

“That bastard didn’t do anything. He just sat there and watched” I said crying even more.

“Wow” was all she can say.

I looked up at Jennable and saw that she was staring off into space.

“What’s the matter Jennable” I asked

“I need to do something about this” she said still staring off into space.

“Do something about what?” I asked confused.

“About you, I can’t let you live like this Jaelyn. What if they beat you so bad that they beat you one day. I can’t let that happen to you” she said.

“There is nothing you can do” I said.

“Yes there is” she said.

“What can you do?” I asked.

“First of all, get you out of here and tell the cops” she said

“The cops aren’t going to do anything” I said, shaking my head.

“Yes they are Jaelyn this is child abuse. How long have your parents been beating you?” she asked.

I stayed silent afraid of how she was going to react to my answer.

“Jaelyn, how long” she said firmly.

“Since I was 4” I said looking away from here.

“Jaelyn they have been beating you for 12 years, and you have never told me once. We have been friends for 15 years and you never told me once” she said shocked.

“I didn’t know how to tell you” I said crying.

She just sighed and shook her head. I just played with my hands, nervous about what she was going to say next. I felt her get up and stand in front of me.

“Where are you going?” I asked looking up at her.

“I’m getting you to the hospital first then we’re gonna go to the police station to report your parents ok” she said

I looked at her unsure for a second then I nodded and she helped me up. Once I got up I felt dizzy. Jennable brought me over to the couch and called a cab to take us to the hospital.

“Jennable, I feel sleepy” I said trying to keep my eyes open.

“Jaelyn, no matter how tired you are, do not go to sleep” she said worried.

“Why” I said.

“I’m afraid you’ll go into a coma and I don’t want that happened” she said.

“Why would I fall into a coma?” I asked, dazing off.


“Well then” I said.

I tried so hard to keep my opens but it was so hard. I kept telling myself to stay awake but no matter how hard I tried my eyes would not stay open. My vision started to blur and I could see the room getting darker. I can hear Jennable’s voice getting weaker and weaker by the minute, that’s when everything went black.

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