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Ryutaro looked at himself in the mirror. The black shirt suited him well. He tried to tie up his hair but it was quite short so there were stray strands at the sides. He smiled at himself. He never thought, he would really do this but then it would be fun.  

His mind was already set up. He knew what to do. The door to his room opened. He looked at it. "Oy! Sachiko, next time, knock. What if I was naked here, what will we do?"  

Sachiko's eyebrows cocked up. "I'm not interested with your naked body." 

"Eh. That's not right. You should say, 'gomene, next time I'll knock'. That's the proper way."  

Sachiko stared blankly at him. 

Ryutaro rolled his eyes. He pulled his shirt off and pretended to take off his pants.  

Sachiko's eyes grew in shock. She was about to scream when Ryutaro laughed and put on his shirt. "See, I told you."  

"Damn you! That's way too stupid, Ryu-kun." Sachiko commented angrily. "I brought you some noodles. My mom cooked a lot." She said and stomped away.  

Ryutaro jumped her and hugged her from the back. He gave her a kiss on the cheek which she was already used to. "I'm going out. So take care of everything, kei?" he said walking past her.  

"Where are you going?" she asked.  

"Secret." He said smiling at her.  

"Secret? What kind of place is that?!"  

"Secret!" he exclaimed and shut the door at his back.  

Sachiko pouted and sat on his couch.  

Ryutaro stared at the abandoned building. He sighed. "I will be fine. I will be fine." He kept on telling himself.  

He took hold of his jacket and went in.  

Inside, few men were there, about ten or so. "Welcome." One of them said.  

The man was one of the oldest guys there. He was wearing blue and black shirt and battered jeans. "You know the drill. Did you bring it?" the man asked.  

Ryutaro smirked. He pulled out the watch.  

The man smiled. "Kuketsu and Denebola would be happy."  

"When will I meet them?" Ryutaro asked.  

"You must prove yourself first." The man answered.  

"I brought the watch, what's next?" Ryutaro asked.  

"You'll see." The man answered. "Let's go, men."  

The other guys stood up and followed the leader. Ryutaro also followed.  

They walked and ended up in an empty field.  

"What are we doing here?" Ryutaro asked one of the guys.  

The guy stared at him.  

"You see, one of the goal of the fraternity is to eliminate other frats and become the sole fraternity in the city." It was another guy who answered. Ryutaro nodded.  

A group of guys wearing red shirts appeared from the East. Their number was greater than them.  

"Hah. I knew you would come." The leader of the other gang commented.  

Their leader shrugged. "I guess we are already becoming popular that you can already guess our moves. That's great." 

"If you think you can break us like what you did in the other territories, then you're wrong. You can't break us. You'll bow down to us." The leader of the red gang said.  

UNDER THE TABLE, Sequel to AddictedWhere stories live. Discover now