Kylie brooks (mortal)

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(Kylie up top)
This is how I learned that my 2 of friends were more than mortals:
Kaylie's POV:
Hi I'm Kylie. I'm 17 and live with my mom and dad. They both work at a architecture firm called Athenian Architecture (AN:hehehehe) they usually take me to school at 8:00 and get home at 4:00. Sometimes they rush out fast after getting phone calls even if we are having a family night. Enough about them tho. Anyways Today I got to Goodie High and my best friend Sammy and her boyfriend Tyler ran up to me.

"Guess what?!" Sammy asked/yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"We're getting 2 new students." Tyler said. Sammy then playfully hit his shoulder.

"Yea but 1 of them is percy Jackson !" She basically quietly screamed.

"Your joking right? He hasn't been here for more then a year." I asked/said shocked.

"She's not joking. I would know." Tyler said rubbing his nuts. Me and Sammy laughed.

"Well I wonder what his locker will b......" I trialed off as I saw our English teacher Mr. Blofis's car pull up to the drop off area. "Hey what's Mr.Blofis's car doing in the drop off zone?" I asked.

"Maybe he is doing car pull or finally has a kid." (They don't know that percy is his step son) Sammy suggested.

"Maybe." I responded.

"Let's see who the person is." Tyler said. We all turned to the car as the passenger and back doors opened. Out of the passenger door stepped a boy that looked like he was 17. He had gold eyes, looked to be around 6'5, looked like he worked out a lot, also he seemed to have a bit of a tan which looked natural, plus he had short messy brown hair. Tho I was more focused on the boy who stepped out of the back door. Sea green eyes, I was sure I knew who it was. Then he fully stepped into view along worth the other kid. They both looked around for a bit before the gold eyed kid pointed to me. They walked up to me.

"Uh your Kylie right?" The boy with sea green eyes asked.

"Yep. And your Percy Jackson." I said matter of factly.the boy nodded.

"Thats me." Percy said. I walked up to him and punched his shoulder hard. "What was that for?" Percy asked whining.

"For leaving for more then a year with no explanation." I responded.

"It was family issues,that I can't talk about." Percy said.

"Oh fine." I said.

"So who's your friend Perc?" Tyler asked a bit excited about not being the only boy again.

"Oh that's Kyle." Percy said and pointed to the boy who was staring off into know where.

"What?" Kyle asked snapping out of his day dream. He saw us looking and smiled. "Oh yea I'm assuming that this clumsy fish face just told you my name."

"I am not clumsy." Percy whined.

"You are." Kyle said. "And who might you people be?" He asked.

"I'm Kylie, this is my best friend Sammy, and her boyfriend Tyler." I said and point led to them as I said their name.

"Finally!" Percy shouted.

"Percy, not you now." Kyle said annoyed.

"What?" Sammy asked confused.

"I totally thought that you and Tyler would get together." Percy said.

"We should get to class." I said.

"Yea." They all responded. We went to our lockers which were all next to each other.

Time skip brought to you by: drama queen.

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