Putting God first

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How well do you do in putting God first, before everything else? This is one of the ways you can tell.

Do you know the first comandment? If not then here it is:

"Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." -Matthew 22:37

If you love God, you will be doing his will. If you love God, you should be putting him first before everything else. And you will be doing your best to stay away from sin.

As a christian, the goal of your life should be living for Jesus and doing his will.
Normal things like falling in love, getting married, having kids, owning a house, starting your own bisness, doing any of that should be secondary. If you really loved God then putting him first should come before doing anything. It should be your top priority.

You can't think about having any of that without putting God first.
If you think about it, God's the one who allowed you to have those things in the first place.

And on the other side, if that means its not in his will for you not to have a huge house, you shouldn't be upset or bummed out if your putting God first.

Even your family or a husband/wife and kids should all be secondary. Before even asking God to give you any of those things, you should be asking him: do you want me to have them?
Is it  your will for me to have them?

And even if he says no, you should be seeking God first. If its not his will for that to happen then you should foccous more on the question:
What does God want from me?
What does God have planned for me?

Take a look at the book of Job for example, God gave him a wife and kids and a huge farm with many servants, and was very wealthy. And then, God took all of that away. Job's wife criticized him for it. And even she later died.
And Job put God first despite it all and still loved and worshiped him.

"But consider the joy of those corrected by God! Do not despise the discipline of the Almighty when you sin. For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal. From six disasters he will rescue you; even in the seventh, he will keep you from evil. He will save you from death in time of famine, from the power of the sword in time of war. You will be safe from slander and have no fear when destruction comes."-Job 5:17-21

And then at the very end of the story, God gives him back even more money and he finds love again and marries and has 10 more kids.

What putting God first looks like:

If you're a christian, then that means you gave yourself to Christ. And you belong to him. As the appostle Paul said:
"For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles-" -Ephesans 3:1

He uses the word prisoner, and not in a way like he's done something wrong. He's using that for an example. Like how Christ is leading him where God wants him to go.

As a prisoner you cant do anything but follow orders. If the Gard says "we are going here" you cant just decide for yourself that you dont want to and walk away. You can't, because your bound in handcufs and chains. So Paul is chained to the Lord Jesus. He can't leave his side. He goes where God tells him to.

As a christian you no longer follow the world and do what the world does. The world does whatever it wants to, whenever they want to, because they think it will make them happy.
As a christian you should not be listening to worldly music. Watching worldly movies, spending all your time on and with ungodly people and things. As a christian we have been called to be a light.
We have been called to be a citty on a hill. We can't keep acting like the world. And I know there's many people out there who act like christians but dont show it.
Thats why its our job to show them who we are. To show them we are the real deal. We have the power to speak life!

As a christian, you belong to God. And if you fall short and have truly been saved, he'll go back for you. If you're lead astray, he will continue to go back and get you.

There is a saying "where God guides he provides." Meaning, if you put God first in your life and let him guide you he WONT let you down.
He might lead you into some difficult situations, people might make fun of you, people might try to persecute you.
You just got to remember God is in control. And he WILL provide according to his will.

Here's the thing too, if you put God first, you wont be caught up in sin. If you put God first, you'll see him at work in your life.
He will lead you to where he wants you to go. He will show you what he wants you to do. And he will tell you everything you need to know through his word and the Holy Spirt.

Doesn't that sound incredible?
To let God lead your life. And to have God show you exactly why he put you here on this earth. And exactly what he wants you to do.
It talks about in Psalms:

"Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart."-Psalm 37:4

That means that you wont even dread it. God knows what you love. If you love working with people, if you love helping behind the scenes, even if you just love being a mom or dad.
He know's you.
He knows the desires of your heart. And he has a perfect place for you for working with people, for helping behind the scenes, for raising up your kids to be in Christ and love the Lord, and maybe even to help with orphaned kids.

God is perfect. God is Glorious. And he will never let you down.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55:9

He is the one person that will love you without fail. The one person thats seen everything and knows everything about you.
He loves you more than you can ever imagine. And all he wants is to be your father, to be your friend. He wants you to run to him when you have troubles and worries, and to cry in his arms.

Trust in him. He will NEVER let you down.

He'll give you a life beyond your wildest dreams. He'll give you unexplained happiness and joy. He'll give you peace and strength.
Whatever it is your looking for can be found in him.
And all he wants in return is your love.

Just believe in him. Believe he was alive and died and rose again for your sins. Believe in all that he is offering you. Repent from your sins, be truly sorrowfull. And turn from your wicked ways.

Hes right there.
No you cant see him, but someday you will.
No you cant feel him, but sooner than you think we'll all be standing before him. And he's either going to say to you "Well done my good and faithful servant" and welcome you in his arms.
Or "Depart from me, I never knew you."
Wich one will it be? And are you ready for that?

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