To all the unbelievers

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This is for anyone who doesn't believe in Christ and happened to stumble acrost this. Or maybe your searching but dont know. Or maybe your wanting to believe but dont know how. This is for all of you.
The gratest thing I can do for you is to tell you the truth. So hear it is.

Your life matters. It matters so much. God made you for a purpose. He made you exactly the way you are.
He knows how many hairs are on your head, he knows every tear you've cried, and he knows your heart.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." -Jeremiah 1:5
"You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." -Psalm 56:8

He made you. You weren't just random particles that came togeather in a slime mixture thar billions of years later produced you. Thats just insane.
God made you. He made you special and exactly the way you are. He wants to know you, and he wants a relationship with you.

If you dont know where to start, pray to Jesus from your heart. Tell him that. Tell him you dont even know where to start. Ask him to show you the truth and to reveal himself to you.
He loves you and is waiting for you to do that! The Bible talks about how he longs for you.
"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!" -Isaiah 30:8
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:13

Dont just take my word for it, try it out! Pray. You wont regret it.

If your thinking there is no way I can be a christian because there is no proof.
Dear friend, your wrong. Jesus Christ was a person who lived on this planet. And there is so much proof for it.  How do I know?
Well, what year is it? For me, right now it is 2020. Do you know the significance of that?
The significance is even time itself shows Jesus lived on this earth. Its been 2,000 and 20 years since Jesus's death and resurrection.
And Jesus did come back from the dead by the way, he appeared to over 500 people.

And it was all written down and recorded. It was written in the book called the Bible. Other people also wrote about him, including Pontius Pilate.
You have no doubt he existed right? Then why doubt when he wrote about Jesus? Did the person he was writing about just not exist?

Okay, so you may believe Jesus was a person who lived, but how do we know he is the Son of God?
Well, we know that because the Bible says so. And we know the Bible to be true and accurate without flaw.

How do I know the Bible is true?
Well, for one because it makes the kind of prophesy's that only God can know. And when he does make prophecys, they come true.
Only God can write the kind of prophecys thats in the bible. He is omnipresent and can see the future and is in the future and knew what was and is going to happen.

The Bible made 189 claims about Jesus Christ that was very specific. And it wasn't just written 10 years before it happened, but hundreds and hundreds of  years before. Here are aome of the claims:

We knew that Jesus would be a decendant from the line of Jessy, the father of King David.

The prophecy:
“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit. The spirit of the Lord will rest on him.” -Isaiah 11:1

Scripture telling how it came to pass:
"Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah." -Matthew 1:17

The book of Isaiah was written in 740 BC. Wich means he lived 700 years before Jesus Christ was even born.
He made a prediction, not through his own knowledge of course but by the Holy Spirt who out of all those people Jesus was going to decend from. It would be impossible to guess that kind of thing.

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and you will call him Immanuel.”-Isaiah 7:14

Scripture confirmating it:
"Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit." -Matthew 1:18

God being omnipresent, omnipotent and, omniscient knows all things. And in the Bible we see things explained that God knew, because he created everything, way before moddern science did. (Look at the header photo for referance.)

Something to think about.
So, if you believe that God wrote the Bible then you believe that God exists right?
Well, if you now have evidence and know that God exists, why not read for yourself and find out why your here? Find out what the purpose of life is, and get to know who God really is.

If you choose not to find out, to seek God and continue living in ignorance then you will find out in the end if its true or not.

But what do you have to loose for trying to see if he is there?
Look at it from the Christians point of view:
You seek after God with all your heart, and you find him and you get to know a loving father who will never leave you. You become a christian and have a reason to get up in the mornings. You live your life for Christ and go to bed fufilled every night knowing that you did the best you could for God's kingdom. And you dont have a fear of death because you know where you are going. And when you die you get to live with this loving beyond words spectacular God in a place where there is no pain or sorrow doing whatever it is you could ever want or ask for, for all of eternity and finding everlasting peace.

Or if your right and Gods not real, then atempting to live your life as a christian is just doing good to other people for no reason, loving them giving to the poor. Helping people and living good lives. With good moral standerds. All for no purpose because we'll all grow old and die anyways.

What's really the downside to that? Living your life loving everyone, forgiving everyone and doing as best as you can.

Ultimately its up to you, but I hope this changed your mind and influenced you a little.

Im going to leave you with the words of Jesus:
"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?" -Mark 8:36.

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