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"I know I promised not to come here Blake since your friends ain't comfortable with it but it's about Raven." Me? Why me?

"Calm down Trina. Tell us."

"It's about Raven. Hazel is serious about killing Raven so that she can stay with Blake. She got a sidekick who's just like you. He's a lycan. He's called Max. He wants to be the Alpha. He is helping Hazel to get Blake and in return, Hazel is helping him to get Raven. They are really serious."

"How sure are we that you are not on their side and that this is a plan?" Rodney asked her.

"I am on your side, I promise."

"Why are you helping us? Blood is thicker than water. Why not your cousin, Hazel?"

"Look, I love were wolves more than anything. I want you guys to win."

"Max is a werewolf too so that's not a reason."

Everyone is quiet because Rodney has a point. We can't just trust Trina.

"I'm really serious about this. I can sacrifise my life if that can prove it."

"Well-" Rodney is about to speak when Blake interrupts. "I trust you Trina. You don't need to prove it. You are a part of the team."

She smiles as the rest of us are shocked. Trina hugs him and he hugs her back. I'm a bit jealous. I say, "that's enough of the hug." The rest try to hide the smiles. Blake smirks. Trina says, "right. Sorry."

"So what's the plan?" Shyla speaks up ready to receive ideas. We are all blank. Rodney says mockingly, "maybe our new team mate can tell us."

"Rodney that's-" Blake tries to speak in favor of Trina but he's interrupted by Trina herself. "It's fine." She sighs. "I will try and get enough information from those guys. I promise. You guys should just trust me."

"You heard her. She's going to spy on Max and we all know how dangerous he is."

"Not really. I mean what really happened?" Trina asks.

"He and I grew up in the same place and studied together. He always challenged me to fight him and he always lost. In the end, I was chosen to be The Lycan Alpha since I was the strongest." Blake answers her.

"Okay, I will spy. I just pray that I'm not kidnapped or killed by both of them."

"I'll be by your side and rescue you." Blake assures her. She nods, he kisses her forehead after hugging her then she leaves.

I only sigh since I'm relieved. Blake walks to me after announcing a break. "Pretty jealous huh?" He disorganises my hair.

"Blake! I just organised that hair!"

"I don't care." He smiles and kisses me. "Now c'mon, let's go get you some new hair style. I'm going to work upon it." He carries me upstairs.


I go home feeling both happy and scared. What's with that guy? I'm being helpful and all he does is make me look guilty in front of everyone. He's the beta and he's cute. I liked him till he acted too protective. I am so hating him even after us winning.

I open the door to my house only to find Max seated in my living room. I'm terrified. Is he here to kill me? I swallow hard. He smirks then turns to me. He walks to me. "Feeling great after being such a betrayer?"

"Excuse me?"

"Don't even think about it. I know you know what I'm talking about."

"Hey listen, I don't know who you are and what you want but please get out of my house. I have already had a rough day."

"How rude Trina! I invited him over." Hazel speaks from behind us.

"How did you guys enter my house?"

"You don't need to know? Just tell us what you told those fools and where they are." Max speaks to me.

"What fools?"

"You either speak or I do it the hard way."

"Fuck off! I'm not interested in this conversation."

"No problem." He holds me by the neck and lifts me up. I can't breathe. I'm choking. I try to fight him but he tightens his grip on me. I can see that Hazel wants to help but she's trying to act fine. She obviously wants Blake more than me so she can't go against this guy, Max. I decide to die rather than betraying Blake.

I'm losing it. He let's go and I pull some air in as I cough. "Are you telling me or not?" I shake my head. "Trina don't be stupid. Tell him. You will die and besides those guys don't trust you."

"I'm not betraying my friend. I'm not like you Hazel. I'm way better."


Max holds me up again by the neck. Suddenly, the door opens and Blake plus Rodney come in. Blake comes and hits Max. "I knew that this would happen." Blake says.

"Long time Jacob Blake Xerxes. I really missed you."

"I'm so killing you."

They both begin shifting and fighting. Rodney gives me some water which I take. Hazel is so scared. "Max don't hurt him." I'm really pissed that I go and throw Hazel down and begin strangling her. "You bitch! What haven't I done for you? You betrayer!"

Rodney pulls me away from Hazel. "Babe calm down." Hazel says "you are so regretting this. Max let's go." He grabs Hazel and they disappear. He had to because Blake was winning. He comes to me. "You okay?"

"I think."

"I'm really sorry. I should have not let you come back."

"It's okay Blake. Good thing you guys arrived on time. Anyway, how did you know?"

"Raven. She saw you struggling to breathe in what we call Luna visions. She can see what is going to happen to someone she cares for in the next few minutes."

"Wow. I'm so lucky. What really happened?"


"So you are going to organise my hair?"


Just then she stopped and her eyes turned gold. "Trinaaaaa!"

She screamed.

"What's wrong?"

"Blake Trina is in danger! Max is going to kill her! Hurry go save her!"


"Luna visions! Hurry up go! There's little time left."

I found Rodney in the hallway and grabbed him and we ran.


I'm so happy that these guys have saved me. "I'm really lucky."

"True. Now c'mon grab some stuff and let's get going. Raven will kill me if I leave you here." He says and I smile.

We head to his house after that. Raven hugs me tightly which surprises me. "Thank God you are safe."

"And that's all thanks to you."

"My pleasure." She smiles at me. "Okay let's get you a room. Girls let's be nice and welcome our fellow girl."

We all go upstairs leaving Blake, Rodney, Alvry and Eric downstairs.

The room is nice. "Okay Trina Blake told me you know some moves. But we will all train you on how to fight our kind." Raven speaks. "I will be the one to begin."

"Me next." Shyla adds on. "Then me." Reah raises her hand like she's in class. "I guess I will be the last." Phoebe speaks.

We then talk about how to do the training.

Everything is great. Finally I'm dealing with werewolves.

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