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"Al, come out. It's been five hours now. Are you not going to share your pain with your mum now?" Carsy spoke from the door of my room. I knew she was worried about me but there was no way I was going to tell her that I was feeling so broken just because the guy I loved had said so much to me. He had told me to stop pretending to be what I am not as if he knew who I was. It just made every single thing of my past to come creeping back into my mind. Even those I had blocked. Now us kissing. I didn't want anything that arose my feelings for him. I wasn't scared of him because he is a werewolf but because I didn't want him to know who I really was yet. The truth is I didn't want to see him hate me. I didn't want him to love me too because that would make me guilty. I just wanted us to just be there with no love or hate for each other but that was so impossible again.

Oh God. Why was love created?

"Al please," Barack spoke.

I was still trying to push their voices out when I heard his voice.

"Hey Carsy. Hey Barack," Jace spoke to Carsy and Barack.

"Hi Jace. Al-"

"It was my fault. I was kinda rude to her. I didn't mean to. I guess you should leave it to me."

"Ohh... okay," Carsy said in a confused tone.

My heart beat faster than it had to. Why was I scared? He told me not to fear him. I didn't want him to figure out that I was Trina so I decided to keep him away.

"Hey Al. It's Jace. I...uh.... I am sorry for being such an asshole by saying all those words. I kind of lose my temper so fast. C'mon open up. Carsy is worried."

"I am not hurt by your words. I am just trying to figure out what happened to me and why I sound so much like Trina. Maybe I could prove to you people that I am not her. Maybe then you will accept me."

Fool. Why did you say that? I thought we are trying to reveal the truth. We want true happiness and the only way to get it is by telling the truth and facing it.

True but I didn't want Jace to hate me yet. I wanted him to be in good terms with me.

That's cause you have feelings for him and you have to fight them. You killed his lover. His wife. His mate.

I know and I-

"Al I'm sorry. Talking like her doesn't make you her. I just spoke too much."

Jace's voice had interrupted my talk with my subconscious.

"I'm fine. I'm surely not thinking about your words. I-"

"Then open for me."

I decided to just let him in so that he didn't think his words hurt me. I walked to the door and opened it. He immediately got in and cupped my cheek. He made me look at him and he dried my tears using his thumb. I had to get back. He would get to know me since we had ever been this close before. I slowly moved back and left him hanging.

He clenched his fists but there was nothing I could do. We were not meant to be together. Yes he liked me but I was Trina. His mate's murderer. I couldn't let him like me. We had to be apart.

"I'm sorry Al. I-"

"It's fine."


"I'm actually late. I should be at the supermarket. Excuse me."

"Let me drop you there."

"No I'm fine."

I quickly left before he insisted. Carsy, Nick and Barack were confused on what to do. They just looked on. Why had Nick even sent me to Jace's house in the first place? What if Jace had got to know about my real identity? What if we had become intimate? What if we kissed? Oh God, I would now be in my grave. He would know who I really am. Nick had done the most stupid mistake. Anyway, I decided to just fight my own feelings in order to fight his.

I got to the supermarket and found Michael arguing with some lady. I could tell who it was. It was Hazel's mum. I froze. How could I face her? I didn't want to lie to her too. I turned to leave but Michael stopped me.

"Hey Al. Come help me out. She claims that we cheated her."

I closed my eyes and sighed then turned to them. I walked to them. I realised that Raven was also around with Reah. I had seen Blake's car outside which meant they were with him. That meant Eric was also present. I regretted having come to the supermarket.

"Hello ma'am. What is the problem?"

She didn't talk. She just continued looking at me. She was observing me. I decided to act like I was just feeling uneasy and not scared.

She touched my arm. She was feeling my body. Oh God she was going to expose me. Raven and Reah were watching us. Actually, most people in the supermarket were watching us. Why did they want to know so much? I now wished that Jace, Nick, Carsy or Barack were nearby.

"Uh... ma'am, what are you doing? Please let go of me."

She held me tighter and actually pressed hard at my elbow. She pressed harder and it began paining me. Why was she doing this? I swallowed my groan when I realised she was trying to make me react the way I always did when someone got on my nerves. I would groan loudly and almost beat up the person. I would push the person away so aggressively. I controlled all that. I swallowed the loud groans and pleaded instead.

"Please let go. You are hurting me. Please."

"You are Trina. Stop trying to hide it. You became evil. You are a murderer. You need to be punished for your sins."

I know but just wait a little longer so that I can get ready for the punishments.

"Ma'am you are hurting her," Mike tried to help me.

"You stay out of this young man. She has to confess for her sins. My daughter died because she was stupid. I can't let you keep alive without getting punished. You were stupid as well Trina."

"I.... I'm not-"

"Shut up!"

She pressed harder. I thought my bone broke. Mike decided to forcefully remove Hazel's mum's hand from me but he was stopped by Raven who came and held his.

"Stay out of this boy," she said and Mike hesitated. He looked at me and I nodded meaning he should just stay out of it. He hesitated but soon stepped back. Raven tried to hide her smile but I saw it. She really wanted to see me hurt.

Due to too much pain and interrupted movement of blood in my arm, I started feeling dizzy. No one was stopping my cause of pain. I felt completely done. At the very moment, Jace walked in along with Nick.

"Let go of her," he spoke while walking to us.

Raven stood between Hazel's mum, me and Jace.

"Raven please, let me through. Al is getting hurt."

"She deserves it."

"No she doesn't. It's Trina who deserves that pain not Al."

"She's Trina."

"No she's not," he almost shifted. His eyes glowed.

Raven was moved aback.

"Get out of my way."

"Jace you are going to regret this."

"I don't care. Just move aside."

She slowly moved away. He came and removed the hand of my aunt from me. She was also scared of Jace. She moved away. I rubbed my arm. I was literally wheezing due to anger, fear and pain. Nick came to me.

"Are you okay sis?"


I felt myself fall into a pair of arms as I was finishing my sentence. I couldn't believe I almost lost my dear life while I was trying to run away from Jace. I wanted to fight my feelings for him but I realised he's the only saviour I had in case Carsy, Barack and Nick were not there. But still.... I had to fight them for a brighter future.

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