𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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♥︎ 𝗟𝗜𝗟𝗬'𝗦 𝗣𝗢𝗩 ♥︎

I stand in the same place for a few seconds until I think it's safe to go out. I teleport out and land in the Man Cave where Dad, Charlotte, Jasper, Schwoz and...Henry are. I try and keep a mildly annoyed expression on my face and hope that my acting skills from school plays are still in tact.

"Hey guys." I say, stiffly.

"Hey Lily." They all reply.

"Hey Lils, Sorry about before. I know you want to know who your mother is but...it's just too complicated. I'm sorry." Dad Says, sympathetically.

"It's fine. I kinda get it but I just want to at least know her name and the things she likes!" I say, sitting down next to Charlotte who puts an arm round my shoulders.

"If I give you one thing will you promise not to bug me about it?" Dad Asks, kindly yet agitated.

"I promise." I say, exited.

"Okay, what are the two things you want to know the most?" Dad asks, playing me some spaghetti.

"Okay, the two things...hmm that's difficult. Umm one thing..." I wonder what would give me a clue.

"And not like, her birthday or anything about what she looks like." Ray says, squashing my hopes.

"Aw Man! Ok...why did she decide to not bring me up? And are you still in contact with her? Like...have you seen her or messaged her recently? Have I had any contact with her without me knowing?"I ask my three part question.

I'm very aware of the eyes on dad and I.

"Okay, that's technically three questions but I guess I'll let it slide. Number three, I have messaged her, but not regularly. Number two, not answering because...well you don't need to know. And number one, it's a long and complicated story." Dad answers.

"We have time." I say, folding my arms.

"Fine I'll tell you! But you need to start eating first young lady, i will not have you starving!" Dad points his finger at me and I roll my eyes and start to eat.

"Well, it was nearly fifteen years ago when it happened. I really liked this girl and...she liked me, but...it was complicated. She said she liked me but was also in love with this other guy as well. I decided I wanted to meet this other guy and so she introduced us.

"We got along perfectly and we decided that, for one night, we would share her. I'll spare you the details but, apparently we both got her pregnant. I didn't even know it was possible. We both looked after her during the pregnancy. It turned out that it wasn't just one baby so...we shared. They took one, I took one. I chose you. She chose the other guy so...I was left to raise you alone. I fell out of love with her and devoted my spare time to you. I saved the city and had the pleasure to bring you up. On the times that i wasn't there I had Schwoz or Gooch look after you. And that is why I don't want you to know who she is. Because she left me and we both decided that I would bring you up. Not her." Dad finishes.

"Wow." I say. "When you said it was complicated I didn't really expect that."

Dad nods his head and goes back to his spaghetti.

"Hold in a second..." I pause and think about something that dad said. "When you say 'it was just one baby' does that mean...I have a twin brother or sister out there that I don't know about?"

"Uhhh, Yeah." Dad Says, looking uncomfortable and somewhat nervous.

"Sooo...when were you gonna tell me about all this?" I ask him, feeling a bit betrayed.

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